
How old is your pet?

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Just wondering if you have had a pet live to a rather old age. I had a dog who was 14 when we had to say goodbye, horse lived till 21 and goldfish lived for 12 years.

How about you? Any pictures you can add would be appreciated.




  1. i had a cat named zoey who we had since the day he was born because his mother died while giving birth and all his brothers and sisters died as well.

    anyways he lived until he was thirteen but would have lived longer

    he contracted feline infectious parasite from another cat and it just ate away at his immune system and we didn't want him to suffer.

    i also have two miniature american Eskimos  father and daughter who are 7 and 6

    and a mni rex named Piper who is 6 months old

    here are pics of them

    T'ea and Dakota


    sorry don't have any pics on the computer


  2. My beagle as a child lived to-- 17..(blind and deaf at the end)

    We currently have a goldfish -- 7 1/2 yrs

    Tarantula--8 yrs

    My brother has a siamese cat---21 and still kicking---we keep thinking this will be her last year---she is still here

  3. I have a Pomeranian named Pumpkin Seed who is 16 years old. She'll be 17 next month! And still going strong. I also have a rabbit named Oreo who is about 6 years old. He is the longest-lived rabbit we've ever had. All the other rabbits we've had never lived beyond 3.

  4. My dog right now is 13

  5. dog,jack russel she is 4

  6. our good 'ol toby, an american shorthaired cat

    he lived for about 16 or 15 years

    he died because his poor lungs and heart couldnt take it anymore.

    i thing my mom spent 3,000$ on him so he could survive. but it was too much suffering

    and out cat Nala. My brother had her since he was 1 year old

    but by her 8th year she went blind and got lost and died.

  7. Lab-6


    Korat Cat-2

    Tabby black cat-3

    Getting a hamster soon-it will be a few months old when i get it.

  8. We had a dog named Blackie .She was around 14 and died suddenly .It was a year ago but we still miss her.

  9. african grey 5yrs old and bossy!

  10. Dog-6


    Kitten-5 months

    Rabbit-1 1/2

    Guinea Pig-2

    Guinea Pig-7 months

    Guinea Pig-3 1/2

    Guinea Pig-3 1/2

    Rat-9 months


    Guinea pig- 1 year 1 month and currently still living

  12. a cat that is 10

  13. Horse-13


  14. Dog, chihuahua: 4 years old

    Hamster: Almost 2 years old

    African Dwarf Frog: just passed on at 4 years old

  15. My grandparents have a cat who is supposedly in her early 20's. I question it, but I know that it has been around since before I was born and I am 18. They also had a dog they claim was 17 when it died...And they arent usually liars (but one is senile)

    Right now I have a dog that is 8 and a cat that is 10.
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