
How old must a male be to produce sperm?

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like, how far through puberty or how old do boys have to be before they can ejaculate? im 13 and i cant, my friend says people ejaculate at 10, and i should go to the doctor. is this true?




  1. for me it was around 11 and 12

  2. Each boy is going to be different. Now they can go and play with it and the body will do its own musecel thing but nothing will come out other than his body will jerk and go on. But the day or time will come when he is playing with it and THERE IT IS sperm. So the ten yrs old might be a little far out there but girls are having periods at 10 now days so I just don't see why a boy would do the same thing. If I was to put money on it I would say by the end of this yr you will be pushing out some good old seaman. sperm is what is in it that is the baby maker. Seaman carry's the sperm. sort of like a glass that holds the water.  

  3. there is not a certain age, it just depends on when you go through puberty or at least start it. by the way i think it is highly possible your friends are bluffing, because ten sounds a little young to be ejaculating or at least trying to ejaculate.

  4. Ten is VERY early. Most guys it's between 13 and 15, a year or two after starting puberty. You can save your trip to the doc (and money). It'll happen in its own sweet time. Remember, often when talking matters of a pubic nature, guys tend to tell untruths (brag).

  5. No, do not go to the doctor.  This is nothing for you to stress over.  Very few, and I mean very few males can ejaculate at 10.  Usually puberty starts around 11 or 12.  Some guys can't ejaculate until they are 15 or 16.  It all depends on your body, and there's nothing you can do to speed the process.

    Things will happen in due time.  Just chill and wait.

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