
How old must you be able to start baby sitting?

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I love children and would like to start baby sitting but I know it's a lot to take on. I was also wondering how old you must be to be able to baby sit. I know 16 is the average age to be able to work for somebody but does this same principle apply to baby sitting? Thanks!




  1. It has more to do with maturity and responsibility than age.

    Would you know how to handle an emergency, such as a child choking?

    Or how would you cope if a child suddenly began vomiting?

    Make sure you get some training and supervised experience before you take on the sole responsibility of caring for a child or children.

  2. like 12



  3. There is no particular age! I started around 12. I babysat age 2 months to 4 yrs old!

  4. There is no minimum age to babysit.  People generally start between 12 and 14, but it depends on how responsible you are.  I recommend a babysitting and first aid class.

  5. i would say 13. i think people just want baby-sitters that actually know what they're doing. i actually started baby-sitting when i was 11.

  6. I would say 15; 16 is better just because of the fact if there is an emergancy than you would have a sort of transportation

  7. If you are baby sitting for people you know, that is a different story.

    But for people who you don't know and want to take it up for an actual job, people wouldn't employ you unless your 16.

  8. i would say start babysitting for ppl you already new (neighbors, family, friends) in 5th or 6th grade then in like 7th, ppl you didnt know

  9. i think that it might be 14

  10. im not sure what the age is but you atleast need to take a cpr class. i know that baby sitting seems like an easy way to make money but you need to be prepared for those worst case scenerios to happen. could you save them if they are choking? could you make sure that everyone gets out in case of a fire? could you watch them at ALL TIMES? you hear all of those stories on the news about how the baby sittier let the baby die or something like that. dont let yourself be that. make sure you know enough and are responsible enough to do this!

    best of luck!

    and be careful!


  11. I think its 13 but if someone gives me a thumbs down its probably because I'm a r****d

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