
How old must you be to adopt a Child?

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I'm 15 years old and this girl I know is unhappy with her family. I want to know how old I must be to adopt her. Please, she's very unhappy.




  1. Were i live you have to be at least age 25 (if married then only one has to be that age) but both adults have to be 3 years older then the child they are adopting (funny on the 3 years lol) Good luck!!!

  2. well by law you have to be at least 18

    but there are very few 18 year olds who have adopted children

    mostly because most 18 year olds maturity level are very low

  3. life's tough. she will get through it. the things that hurt us make us stronger.

    but usually an adult has to adopt someone. so maybe like your parents?

    and so i'd say you would have to be at least 21 to adopt a child.

    you'd have to have a job and have income to show that you can support both yourself and the child.  you'd have to show taht you can raise her in a good and safe enviroment

  4. Most states won't consider anyone for adoption prior to turning 21 and even then you have to show financial and emotional stability to qualify.  It's admirable that you are so caring.  Reaching out as a friend can be just as important.

  5. You have to be a legal adult with a good job moron.

  6. At your age, 15, you legally can not adopt from anywhere or anyone.  Most agencies, foster care situations and even independent adoptions with lawyers like to see at the youngest the age of 21 (and sometimes older) and with stable, adequate finances.  

    While you may care for the person and want to help you just can't in this way.  The best thing you can do is be a friend to her and offer her a shoulder to lean on when she needs one.

  7. There is absolutely no chance that you would ever be able to adopt another human at this age. You are not even an adult yourself.

    What teenager is happy with their family?? Most likely, she will grow out of it, and be fine.

  8. i think you have to be 18, but try going to a court house or something and see if you have any other options.

  9. Must be 18, good luck

  10. It depends on what state/country you live in, but most likely it's over 21, with a stable job and household. Ask your parents to adopt her.

  11. lol, I do believe you have to be 21 to adopt, plus you have to be a certain number of years older than the child you adopt. In wisconsin you must be 15 years older. It costs alot of money to adopt. Thousands of dollars. Plus you need to prove you can support a child and give it a home/apartment. I don't think you at 15 support your self let alone a child. Wait till your older. You could always be a Big sister of mentor for this little girl.

  12. Legal age of an adult is 18 years old.  But you will have to prove that you have proper living arrangements for her and you have to be able to prove that you make enough money to pay your rent, bills, and have extra left over to raise her.

  13. You didn't say how old this unhappy girl is. Many kids are unhappy with their family at one point or another. That's just growing up. There's no way you can adopt her because you can't even take care of yourself.

    The girl should get some hobbies that will take her time away from her family. Something to get her mind off of it. If the girl is a teenager, then she could get a job and an apartment for herself. She could go to court and request emancipation from her parents but she has to prove that she can care for herself. She might have to prove good reason for wanting to be emancipated such as abuse or neglect.

    The best thing you can do is just be her friend. Be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on. Listen to her and try to cheer her up. Hopefully, if she is a teenager, then she'll be 18 in a few years and will be able to move out of the house then. Maybe you two can even get a place together. Be optimistic.

  14. You have to be a legal adult with financial means, so you're out of luck.

  15. In the US, you have to be at least 18.  However, in actual practice, the only time you would be allowed to adopt a child while under 21 would be a relative (such as a sister or sister's child) or the child of your best friend.  Sorry, but your friend is out of luck there.

  16. i doubt they'll let you adopt her, since youre supposed to be taken care of by your parents still [...legally....]

    but i suggest you ask your parents to adopt her

    dont give up!

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