
How old should a baby be before it can eat cereal very hungry baby?

by Guest44824  |  earlier

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my daughters baby is 1 month old but extremely hungry and someone told her she can give the baby rice cereal but i told her he is to young and also he was a premie what to do




  1. She is far too young for cereal.  She could neither swallow it, nor digest it, nor make any use of it.

    Young babies are SUPPOSED to be hungry.  They need to eat often, and they need to eat a lot so they can grow.  And if she IS hungry, filling her up with cereal (which would make her eat less simply by filling her belly with useless starch) makes prescious little sense.  

    Nurse her or give her formula as she seems to need.  She knows how much food she requires. When she's 5-7 months old you can start to think about solids.

  2. medical advice is not to start weaning until 6 months.

    If the baby is really hungry, then either feed her for longer, give her bigger bottles, or mix feed her (breast milk and formula).

    If that doesn't help seek advice from GP, health visitor or midwife ASAP.

  3. I would ask your doctor.  Are you nursing?  My child wanted to nurse ALL DAY LONG -- for 10 hours a day -- she was killing me.  It found out I wasn't making "hindmilk" and she was frustrated with the foremilk.  So-- we added formula and she did so much better.

  4. babies that age can eat anywhere from every hour to every 4 hours. it's normal. i wouldn't give the baby cereal at least for a few months til their tongue reflexes are better . if it's too bothersome for her tell her to call the baby's pediatrician but don't give that baby cereal yet.

  5. Your baby is TOO young to be having rice cereal at the moment. Rice cereal should never be put into a baby's bottle, only fed on a spoon. thats how babys learn to use/eat off a spoon so they can start baby food. What you should do is give your baby more breastmilk/formula (whichever one you are doing) if your baby is hungry. How much are you feeding your baby in one feeding, how many ounces? try increasing the amount. That should help. But again, your baby is too young to be starting rice cereal. The earliest you could start would be three months-four months of age.

    i bet if you asked your baby's pediatrician, they would tell you the say thing. your baby is too young to start rice cereal. just increase her formula/breastmilk intake

  6. The person to ask this question is your baby's doctor.  Generally, babies shouldn't get cereal until 4-6 months.  Is she breastfeeding?  If so, she might just need to nurse more.  If she's formula feeding, just give the baby more formula!

    My son is getting a teaspoon and a half (very little) of cereal in each bottle to try to reduce his spitting up.  However, this was on doctor's orders.

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