
How old should a baby be before you put him in a swing?

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On most descriptions for swings on BRU website, it says the maximum should be 25 lbs.

But it never tells you when the baby is old enough to be put in a swing.

Is it safe to put a newborn baby in a swing?

Like, a 2 week old?




  1. I would wait till the baby could sit up.

    If the baby can hold its head up and you have a swing he can lay in that would work....but if you are talking about a outside....playground type swing....make sure you baby can sit up with out support.

    ok after reading the other....if you modify it....with a blanket or something that could work.

  2. I tryed putting my son in the swing early...he didn't start liking it till 3 months though

  3. what type of swing? a swing like this one..

    or a swing like this one..

  4. Yes, I put my youngest in the swing when we brought him home.  Some swings even on the lowest setting will swing them too high, you can take a receiving blanket and put one corner under babies leg to hold it and let the blanket drag on the floor, that will slow the swing down a lil until he is heavy enough for it to swing calmer.  Other than that, as long as once they are old enough to kick, buckle them in and you can put baby in the swing from day one and it is safe.

    Hope this helped!!!

    Edit:  LOL, if you wait for baby to be 6 months old to put it in the swing he might weigh too much.

  5. Oh yes its fine to put a newborn in a swing, one suggestion though, if it swings to fast hang a blanket over the edge.

  6. no, it's not safe. he can't hold his head up yet

    6 months or until he can hold his head up good

    reclining is ok, but don't try to sit them up

  7. Never to early

  8. you can put them in a swing right away.  We put our son in the swing the first day home from the hospital.  He slept great in it.  He probably spent about 10 hours a day napping in the swing when he was a newborn.  

  9. My daughter actually slept in her swing for the first month.  It kept her upright at an angle and helped with her reflux.  You can definitely put newborns in swings.  It actually puts them to sleep.

  10. I think that would be old enough. The instructions or the box for the swing should say something about it. Some of them on that site also say "from birth to 25lbs."

  11. From birth really is ok.  I asked the home nurse when my first son was born because she was there everyday to check his levels due to jaundice and she said that it is fine to put them in there when they are just a few days old as long as they liked it and my son LOVED it.  

  12. We put both our kids in a swing pretty much from the time they came home from the hospital. They loved it. Just make sure you have the baby in a position that he/she won't get all hunched over, use blankets and a headrest if you can.

  13. We put our baby in his swing from the day we brought him home. We have a cradle swing, so that helps. Just make sure you keep an eye on him and don't leave him in there TOO long at first.

  14. depends on what kind of swing.  i have an indoor fisher price swing/recliner that i place both my sons in from newborn age as i found it very safe and had seatbelt installed.  However my 2nd son is now 5 months and i have an outdoor swing that isn't safe for him yet as he cannot sit upright fully yet.  i think if you are looking at outdoor swings your child should be able to sit upright safely  and comfortably.

    (depends on child my first sat up at five mths).

  15. from day one

  16. My son was in his swing the day he came home from the hospital, he loved it.  As long as the swing reclines, and you can safely buckle him in, then there isn't an age too young.  Have fun!!

    EDIT:  you can always add a head support for baby's comfort. also they sell great swing blankets that allow you to buckle baby while still leaving him swaddled.  Mine was a life saver.

  17. i would say it's fine as long as your baby is secured in the swing.  :)

  18. I put my daughter in the swing the day she came home. Just put it on a low speed setting and make sure it's in the most reclined position (most of them have a few positions you can set them to).  Most come with a little head support thing that you will want to use as well. Like the insert that goes in the car seat.

    PS- if it swings too fast on the lowest setting just hang a blanket over the side.

  19. My daughter was in a swing by 2 weeks old and she loved it.  She was also a preemie, so weighed just over 5 pounds at 2 weeks.  No problems at all.

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