
How old should a baby be before you stop burping them??

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How old should a baby be before you stop burping them??




  1. I guess its differant for every baby, some start burping on their own, others don't for a long time, just go with the flow. Feed the baby and and give him/her a few minutes and see what happens, if the baby gets fussy then burp. My son, burped on his own after a month or so, but I've babysat others who had troubles and burped theirs past that. Every child is differant.

  2. i still burp my baby sometimes but for a couple months now he has been burping himself almost all the time. he is 8 months today!! YAY

  3. Until they are old enough to burp on their own.

  4. I would say keep burping them until they are at least 5 months. Then if they burp on their own you can probably stop. Unless they are fussy after eating, then you might want to burp them to see if they have some air built up in there that they can't get out on their own.

  5. My daughter is 5-1/2 months and we're still burping. If we don't she spits up. She has always been a spitter - doesn't have reflux or any other gastric issue, she's just like I was when I was a baby. This is something that will depend on the nature of the baby, more than on his or her age. If baby is starting to sit up more on his or her own and doesn't spit up a lot to begin can probably stop. When they can sit up themselves for longer periods of time, they can usually burp on their own. I have a feeling we'll be burping our daughter well into her sixth month, however, and possibly beyond. Good luck.

  6. I think my son was about 6 months old when I stopped burping him after every feeding....he's 10 1/2 months old now...some times I burp him, some times I don't...normally be belches on his own and then laughs hysterically :)

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