
How old should a child be before taking them on a skiing holiday?

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I really want to take my family skiing, my 5 year old daughter really wants to learn and my other daughter will be almost 2. What would there be for her to do?




  1. Hey,

    OFC you can take both daughters! They would have a blast!! And on top of that most ski areas have childcare and fun stuff for children to do while the parents go skiing. So look up whereever you are going to see what they offer. Some childcare have age limits or must be potty trained!!

    I cant wait to have my kids learn how to ski and go on family vacations in the snow!

    Have fun!!

  2. Hey Tallymac,  Skiing is a great time for the family.  How old?  text book is minimum of two, but you can tell buy the child.  Some kids are ready just just out of diapers others, never.  If your children are alert, pay attention and are active, turn em loose with a pro.  Other things to do?  @ a winter resort it is endless, but as far as snow goes, tubing is great fun for all ages.  Have a good time in the snow.  SkiMan out.

  3. Continental children learn to ski as soon as they can walk, so I don't think age should be of concern. Small children usually adapt to skiing quicker than adults.

  4. 2 Year olds can ski.  You would most likely have to hang out with her and the instructor for a couple days on the bunny slopes.  After that she should be able to do the greens with the family.  Little kids take to skiing quickly.  It doesn't hurt to fall 1 foot, ya know?

  5. i went skiing recently in austria(wildschonau) and there was a mini ski school where you leave your child there for the day and they learn to ski properly so that you dont have to always look after your child.

  6. You can lash them to a snowboard more-or-less as soon as they are born if you have to go.

    All kids love snow,

    Surely that's why YOU want to go isn't it? So whats the problem?

  7. My parents started me skiing at 2. I am now 33.  Skiing is one of the best things in my life.  It has given me countless hours of amazing fun with friends, appreciation of nature, confidence in myself...  Honestly, it has been one of the most rewarding activities I have ever participated in.  2 years old is not too young.  If for no other reason it will give your child an appreciation of an environment that is not understood by people who experience it at an older age for the first time.

  8. She can ski at two. just keep her extra safe and do not panic.

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