
How old should a child be to be left home alone?

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I work for the apartment complex I live in and was wondering if my son would be ok for 30-60 minutes alone after school. He knows how to get to the office and he knows how to call me. He knows all the neighbors, although I would not let him go outside. I am thinking about picking him up after school and making sure he gets into the apartment. I would get him a snack and then go back to the office for no more than an hour. We live in a very safe neighborhood. We have tried 15 minutes alone where I would run back to the office to get something to see how he would do. Currently, I pay for after school child care and then he comes into my office for usually 15-30 minutes before we go home, but he gets bored and asks if he can just go home. I haven't let him yet, but I am starting to consider it. It takes about 3 minutes to walk to my apartment.

Under these circumstances, what age would be ok? My state has no laws for this. Thanks!!!




  1. ID say ages 12-higher should be okay along the lines that he wouldn't do anything like sneak out or host a 30-60 sec party --lol make sure he knows what to do encase of emergency.

  2. First, even the safest neighborhoods are not safe! However, if you trust your neighbors, just let them know he will be there, most will keep an ear out for him. My oldest is 13 and is just now being left alone for more than an hour or so(she lives with her father). We both started leavign her alone for occassional short periods of time just after her 12th birthday.

  3. 10 years old seems to be a good age to start giving children the responsability to stay home by theirselves.  But make sure they feel safe and have a way to contact you if there is a problem.

  4. It really depends on the child and if she/he is responsible enough. i started on my own when i was in 6th grade but i was just a really good kid.

  5. It depends on how you feel your child would behave and if he would be able to handle an emergancy situation if there was one. I truely believe that it depends on the child, but generally I would say 10 or older.

  6. how old is he??? please telll

  7. 10 if he is mature.

  8. twelve is the general accepted age. but if he still goes to an after-school program i wouldn't leave him alone, as long as it isnt for a long time and he stays IN the apartment, doesnt answer the door or phone with "no, my parents arent home." or answer them at all for that matter.

  9. Since about 5 years old i would walk to school and back. And be left home alone for looong times. You cant always be there for your children. You have to let them experience the real world sometimes..

  10. I would feel comfortable leaving my 5 or 6 year old for about a minute or two with the doors and windows locked (long enough for me to run to the neighbor's to get an egg or some spices if I ran out). Once they are about 10, I would leave them for about 30 minutes, and at 12 about an hour or two. By 15 I would feel okay to leave them all day, and by 16 for several days.

  11. When I was 7 I was left alone for periods of over 4 hours.

  12. How old is he?  Just make sure if knows not to answer the door or the phone, and he will be fine.  I think I was about 11 or 12 when left home alone for the first time!!!!

  13. If he is usually a good boy at 6 yr. old that should be fine, he is old enough to run and play after school to.

    But if its a girl....probably about 23 to 25 years old.

  14. Here is a story that haunts me to this day.

    When I was 7, my parents would leave me alone after school.  My sister who was 5, would walk home with me and we would watch TV for about 45 minutes until my Dad came home.

    We lived in a safe neighborhood, and back then all the other moms actually stayed at home, so I had friend's mom's that I could contact  at a moments notice....

    Well one day my sister decided to cut an apple, the knife slipped and cut her hand.  

    It was not deep, it was not large, she has no scars nor any memory of it ever happening.....

    But I was a 7 yr old kid in charge and by myself and she was screaming, and the blood was dripping......

    I finally got her to the neighbors house, and she got the medical care she needed, but I remember every detail from the time the knife slipped until that point.

    So for you, you need to ask yourself does your child have the ability to handle EMERGENCY situations, and not have to think about it for the rest of their lives.  

    Many children start babysitting at 13, which is probably a good age for many to start staying home by themselves as well, some may be fine younger, some may need adult supervision late into their teens.

    Your state most likely does have laws concerning this, contact your local district attorney's office.  While nobody may know, or care, the moment the 10 yr old is left home in a burning house, the D.A. will be searching the law books to see what kind of crimes the parents can be charged with.

  15. tweleve. Definately.

  16. I think 12 is a good solid age atleast they can do things being a pre teen

  17. about ten years old for no more then 2 hours

  18. I think it varies from state to state. When I was in Florida the age was 13.

    How old is he? If he's younger than 10, I will still be leary.

  19. I think that he knows where you are and you are going to go with him to your apartment and then back to work for only an hour he would be safe to be alone.  Make sure he has your number and can call you if there is a problem.  Hopefully he isn't under 8 years old.  How well does he behave and do you expect any problems from him are another question to consider. If not give it a try you can always go back to the way you were doing it.

  20. if you tell us how old he is, we will tell you if hes old enough

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