
How old should a child be when they stop wearing pull-ups?

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How old should a child be when they stop wearing pull-ups?




  1. my lil boy was potty trained at 2 years old

  2. if you are potty training then i would do underwear during day and pull up at night untill age 4.

  3. I stopped my son at 2 1/2. It took me two weeks to completly potty train him and started  using underwear at the same time.

  4. my daughter was 2 when she stopped

  5. It depends on the child. In my opinion I don't think pull ups are a good idea. They are just like a diaper and I think they are a complete waste of money. My son wore them until he was 3 1/2 but only to go # 2 ( i know kind of wierd ). I understand the night issues with kids wetting the bed but besides that I would say diaper or undies.

  6. Depends on the child. Some kids wet the bed still at 6. So it would depend on the child and the need. But if it is a young child you are trying to potty train that is a different story. You can do tons of things to help with potty training.

  7. I would say 3 years old tops. But some children take a little longer than others!

  8. My little sister is five and will be six this fall. She is mostly potty trained, but she still wears pull ups at night in case of an accident. However, in my opinion, unless a child has medical conditions (like my younger sister) they should be completely potty trained by the time they are five. Some kids just take longer, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  9. It depends on the child.  My son stopped wearing them at 3.5, but I have a friend whose daughter had to wear them at night till she was over 4 years old.

  10. I would just say whenever the kids stops wetting themselves. All kids potty train at different ages.

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