
How old should a child or a teen be to get a cell phone?

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How old should a child or a teen be to get a cell phone?




  1. i don't think it really has to do with age. i think it should deal more with maturity. if the child spends a lot of time at team sports or school and you or some one who can be trusted isn't or can't be there then i think that the child should have a phone then.

  2. You shud get your child a cell phone when you think they need one for emergencies only.

    so their first cell shud be no online, and no text messeging. only calls

  3. When they pay for it themselves and are mature enough not to use it during education, work (if they have jobs), in transit, or serious social situations. Unfortunately, many adults do not appear to be this mature, let alone teenagers.

    Mobile phones are not toys, and it disgusts me that they are replacing one-on-one communication and real connection in kids' lives. Even worse is this 'texting' stuff. I know I sound old - I'm not, really, I just don't care for my generation's preoccupation with mobiles.

    Mobiles should not be given to kids UNLESS there is an extreme circumstance in which impromptu communication with the parent is needed or they can pay for it themselves and use it responsibly.

  4. The age when they can afford to pay their own phone bill.

  5. when they need it for communication purposes.  I think 16 is good but if for some reason you need to reach them during the day to arrange a meeting or a ride on an ongoing basis, then earlier.

    just so they can talk to their friends an just because their friends all have one at 11 or 12 or 13 - no way!!  that would be REALLY spoiling them. they do not need a cell phone to talk to their friends! that would be CLASSIC over-indulgence!

  6. I think it depends on why they have it.  My son had his at 8 because he walked home from the bus and stayed by himself for about an hour some days after school and I wanted him to always have it on him for the GPS part of the phone as well as to call me on his walk home.  (I'm paranoid about kidnappings...)  He's almost 11 now, doesn't have one anymore because I'm a SAHM now and help him get from place to place.

    If they don't "need" it, but just want to be like their friends, I say when they can help pay for it or at least part of it.  Either thru chores or actual money.

  7. usually i would say only if they needed it for a job.... but due to the idiocraty of modern western culture, i would say 16 is an acceptable age.... most kids seem to have them at 12-14, but that can only end in corruption....  

  8. Depend on how mature they are. I got some 20 year old friends that I have to take their cell phones away so they don't break them, loose them, throw them at people, and keep them from calling cops on them selves.  

  9. I say 15. but they gotta work (in the house) to get it.

  10. like 5th grade. or when they start asking for one.  

  11. 13 for a prepaid, with very little minutes, 16 for a real one if they can pay for the service.  These are not toys.

  12. I think it's the matter of how much stuff they have to do then what age. If they are into a lot of extra curriculum activities at school, then you should get them one. That way if there is a problem with driving or emergency or something, they can always call you and tell you!

  13. Old enough to purchase both the plan and the phone themselves

  14. prepaids can be pretty cheap. I got my son one for his 12th birthday for like $15. I have put like $60 in minutes on it since then. He knew from the begining that it was for emergencies and not to chat with kids from scouts and school on.

  15. Old enough to pay for it and certainly at least old enough to drive.

  16. My daughter has one and she's 9 BUT only because it was my husbands and he got a blackberry for work and didn't need his anymore. So it isn't costing us anything more then we were already paying.  

  17. 16 or 17, whenever they get their full driver's license and are able to drive unattended. Before then, they do not need one. This cell phone is to be used if their car breaks down or runs out of gas, or needs help.

  18. well i got mine when i was 9. most people get them from the age 10+

    ans there isn't really an age where a child/teen should get a mobile it depends if they need it when they are quite young and stuff so there really isn't an age really.

    hope i helped :)

  19. When they could really use it:

    - for school (extra curricular activities such as band, track, choir, baseball, basketball, etcetera)

    - when able to drive (for emergency reasons)

    - if they have a job (to call in, call home, and so on)

    - to enhance socializing with others their age

    In other words, not 11 when a lot of children get it, even though I'm calling the kettle black on this one. My situation was a little different though, and it was my only way to contact my mom for two months while I stayed with my dad, who lives 11 hours away.

  20. well some people dont have home phones so thw whole family has t have one but i think when they start 6th grade or when there friends have one

  21. Depends on the maturity of the child. I would say 14 on average.

  22. I think they should go onto a family plan as a teenager when they are mature enough to not go over the minutes shared and not spend all the time on it. Schools are starting to enact policies against having them at school to begin with so I think they should not have one until they can handle it on their own and maybe even pay for a portion of the bill... if they want all the extras they can pay the entire bill themselves.

  23. 16. That's when they are driving and will be out on there own.  Until that age, they are usually with an adult who has a phone of their own or is doing something out of the ordinary which means they can borrow a parent's for the night.  I worked at Verizon and felt sorry for the tons of parents who came in with thousand dollar bills from their 14 year old text addicts...

  24. *is your kid is involved in a sport?

    *is your kid is involoved in extra curricular activities?

    *is your kid is driving?

    *is your kid is responsable?

    *is your kid starts going places without parents?

    if you said yes to 3 or more you should consider giving your child a cell phone.

  25. i think 10 is an ideal age. when i was 11 my parents got me a cell phone although i wanted one when i was 10. it also depends on how many friends the child has and who they really need to be talking to. if the kid has lots of friends then i would say 10 but if they aren't so social maybe 12 or 13.

  26. When they show that they can be responsible for paying the bill then they should be allowed to have a cell phone.

  27. When they can pay for it themselves. Otherwise they take it for granted and refuse to stay within their minutes and text messages and cause their parents tons of money.

  28. I think if its 4 emergencies onley, the child should get a cell phone as early as 10. But thats ONLEY for emergencies. If its for emergencies, texting, friends, pictures, ect... I would say the child should be 15.  

  29. im gonna get one for my bday this year and im gonna be 12 so..

  30. Most teens have cell phones. But before that, they should get one if they really needs it for emergencies. But I suggest a prepaid one to use when they are young. I don't think a child should get a cell phone before minium 10 or 11. I think 13 would be a good age to get one. But before that between 10 and 12, you should only get one to your child if:

    1- He/She's responsible,

    2- He/She has extra curriculer activities/ or takes part in a sport. Or has to stay late at school because he/she's taking part in something.

  31. When you start to notice their social lives have really started.

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