
How old should kids be to play Bioshock (Xbox 360 version)?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering what kind of content is in "Bioshock". I have learned that there is lots of language, blood, and violence, but to what extent? And is there anything else that I should know of (I heard there are "sexual themes")? What age group would you recommend this game for? Please try to be unbiased. Thank you!




  1. Wow...Kids shouldn't/and or probably wouldn't want to play it @ all, the "M" Mature Rating is targeted to gamers 17+

    The content of violence and blood in this game is extremely high, and almost all the enemies in the game curse @ your character frequently...I don't remember much of any "sexual themes" though.  It is quite the eerie game indeed also.

  2. My take would be anybody 10+.

    Compared to other popular games on the market today, Bioshock is relatively mild in terms of visible violence against humans and humanoid-characters. The sexual themes are very subtle, and questionable as to whether they even exist.

    It is very cerebral compared to the slaughter-fests. The horror does not come from masses of bodies as much as ideas like social breakdown, racism, elitism, pursuit of power and drug addiction.

    "Please try to be unbiased." <- you must understand this is impossible when you're asking for an opinion. Most likely you already have an opinion of your own and just want others to agree with you.

  3. if you go to the stores or online and look at the game it will have a rating that will tell you. example 'M' Mature

  4. Probably 13 years old.

  5. Buddy, this forum is for the Yahoo 360 page! Go ask your question in the game forum!

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