
How old should kids be to stay alone at a friends b-day party?

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Where the parents drop the kids off and pick them up a few hours later.




  1. It depends on how much supervision there is and where the location is.5  is a good age.Never be late to pick them up,

  2. like 4 or 5?

  3. I do not think it dependent on us.It is dependent on your child.But if there is a suggestion i would like to say at least 15.Children know what should to do at this age.

  4. I think the main issue is how much supervision there is and how old the child is.  If you stayed because of a small child - fine.  Only you can make the decision on a age limit.

  5. I think maybe 6 it just derpends on if you can trust them or if they are a wee bit respnsible.

  6. I would say 7, but I think it would be the parent's choice. By their kid's behavior, if they see him or her acting a sensible age of maturity to be alone at the b-day party I would say, but still take caution, just in case.

  7. Depends on the type of party - and how well you know the friend's parents.

    My daughter first stayed alone when she was 3. The mum was the playgroup supervisor at the playgroup my daughter went to, so was well used to looking after small kids and my daughter was used to being left with her.

  8. Depends if you kid is ornery or gets fussy. Maybe 8 or 9 if he is bad.  6 or 7 if good.

  9. where i live it sometimes happens at 3 or 4 if the parents and kids already know each other well and the kids are pretty outgoing and confident.  by kindergarten, most but not all parents are dropping off their kids.  after kindergarten, it's rare for a parent to stay.

    personally, i'm fine with people staying or going at my kids' parties.  if your kid is in my care, my feeling is you should feel free to stay or drop in unannounced.  i drop off my 4-year-old at some parties and stay at others, depending how comfortable she is and how well i know the parents.  my 8-year-old has a life-threatening medical condition and often parents ask me to stay at parties just in case.  i'm fine with that, too (though when i do, i keep a very low profile to avoid embarrassing her).

  10. None of my kids have ever been to such a party.  I find it quite rude to just drop off a child at a party without offering to help.  Most mom's are very greatful for the extra help.  My kid's ages range from almost 5 to almost 11 and I've never dropped any of them off.

  11. well of course the parents are there right?I would say about 7 and long as you know the people well and they are not strangers from school....if so then make it 10

  12. any younger than 5 then they will cry for mummy, any older than 7 they will complain thats its so embarrassing. So 5 or 6.

  13. I'd say 6 or 7

  14. 5 if confident - but will wait until all the other mums don't stay - maybe 6-7? not sure myself really.

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