
How old should kids be when you let them venture out in the neighborhood alone?

by Guest62733  |  earlier

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I mean in groups of just kids. See many of my friends kids are allowed to walk to friends houses blocks away, or to the park, or to school. My son is 7, he'll be 8 in July. I just don;t feel comfortable letting him go that far without adult supervision. He's a good kid, I just worry. Am I being over protective? My friends' kids are right around his age. Some a bit older and some even younger.

What do you guys think?




  1. You are so doing the right thing...keep them tethered.  My boys were allowed to walk to the ball field in groups at age 10.  It is 2 blocks from home...any where else I took them.  Always know where they are, who they are with.  I also interview the parents of the other kids if they will be at someones home.  It is sad that my kids had none of the freedom I had....It is a very different world today.

  2. I have a 14 year old boy and I still feel un-easy letting him go our by himself.  I'm in NYC.  But ou have to realize that sometimes you need to give them some freedom in order to become who they are going to become.  I think 13 is good to go out with friends, as long as they don't just go hang out on a street corner.

  3. i think at least 26

    any younger and who knows what they will get up to

  4. I think a lot of it depends, as other posters have noted, on your neighborhood and your child's maturity level.  I don't worry that my kids will get lost or kidnapped.  I worry that something might happen that they just don't have the maturity to deal with (twisted ankle, find something on the street and decide to pick it up...)

    If and when you do begin letting him out alone, ask him to call you as soon as he arrives at the friend's house.  At least you'll know that he arrived safely.  Talk with other parents in the area.

  5. my kid has been allowed to go out ALONE since she was 10. she has never had any trouble. she has been going around in groups since ahe was 8. i don't think you are being over protective.

  6. You are not being over protective, because it is your choice when he can go out in the neighborhood alone.

  7. It really depends on the individual child and how mature and responsible they are. I would say between 10-12.

  8. I think that you know your own child better than anyone in your neighborhood does and better than anyone here.  You know whether he knows, really knows, how to make good choices to keep himself safe and to be polite.  

    If he doesn't know these things yet, now might be a good time for you to start teaching him.  Take it slow.  Give him little lessons & make sure he understands fully before moving on.  Test him out with role playing and by letting him take little supervised steps on his own, as you watch & monitor.  If he makes mistakes, help him learn from them.  Then, try a supervised step out on his own again, until you and he are both confident in his ability to master the art of keeping himself safe & being polite on his own.

  9. year 5-6-7

  10. You know I think many parents today were raised in a generation that was allowed to do just that.  I was pretty young walking to the store around the conor with friends.  But back then, everyone's parents were watching all of us and we couldn't get away with much.  Things have changed so much that we simply can't give children today that kind of freedom :(

    I personally could never live with the gult of letting my 8 year old walk out of the neighborhood and then have something happen.  So I am with you, keep him close and allow him to gain more freedom the older he becomes.

  11. I think if you don't feel comfortable then don't let him go.  There are to many sicko's in this world these days.  I started letting them go just a small distance at a time and when they showed me they could be responsible then they got more freedom.

  12. Depends on neighborhood and child. I wandered far and wide, crossing highways and deep into the woods from age 4 and I was autistic. Hard to be more liberal than that. By law, I could obtain shelter in any home in winter and no reason to think I could not go to anyone anytime for help.

    The world is not so safe anymore. It has filled with hate and warring and abuse for those less able to defend themselves. My autistic son was on a leash to prevent running away or into traffic. Can't get much more conservative than that.

    I will probably want my grandchildren on leashes under guard until they are 18.

  13. Yeah, I feel like 8 is too young to be going too far from home alone.  I don't think you're over protective, you're just using your head.   All those other parents needs to take a seat at 6 pm and watch the they realize how many child molestors are out there waiting for their next victim??  You're doing the right thing...8 is just too young!

  14. To me, 7 would be old enough to walk by himself to a friend's house on the same block, but not to run around the neighborhood unsupervised.  I would also need to be sure there was a responsible adult where ever he was going.

  15. For me 7 or 8 is too young unless theres an older sibling. I think 12 is a safer age, of course it matters where you live.

  16. I think it depends in the neighborhood u live in. I would say if u live in one of those that people look after one other then u may be able to let your kids wonder around with others as long as u feel your child is responsible. Now on the other hand u live where u can't even trust your neighbor because he/she are looking the wrong way then my child would have to be 15 and even then i'll still be watching. The thing is this world is so crazy and i try to explain to my kids that u should be grateful that im out here with u playing and looking out for danger. Its a lot of parents that won't. I tell them I do it because I care and I love them very much. Plus it gives us family time to bond and play. I get out there just like they do whether is riding a bike or building a playhouse.

  17. you can never be too over protective.  go with your gut.

  18. I wouldn't let my 6- and 8-year-olds wandr that far, but I do let them run around between our yards and the neighbors, and bike in our cul-de-sac, as long as they're with at least one other kid.

    One of my daughter's 9-year-old friends occasionally walks the three or so blocks to our house.  I'm not yet prepared to let my daughter do it; I'm unimpressed with her attention to traffic thus far.  Maybe in another year.  Obviously it depends on the kid.

  19. Im 12 and still not allowed but my 'rents are very strict, so I would say 10.

  20. ten should be a good age my little brother is ten and dooes fine riding his bike to his friends house

  21. Depends on the kid but no matter how responsible they seem I wouldn't let them go out with a group of kids until they were at least 10 or 11.

  22. 10

  23. My 4 (almost 5) year old has been "venturing out on her own" since she was 3,

  24. never to old for a mother to worry about there child>>>>

    10 years old with detail information about who, what, when, and where...

  25. well there's nothing wrong with being over protected.. its part of your well being... and at least you should be brave enough to let him go once in a while for him to explore things around him...  8 yrs, old would be ideal.. but tell him not to stray far away.. only just a couple of blocks... and i think your neighborhood is a friendly place... if there is an older kid.. maybe you can ask him to watch over not just him but the other kids too...

  26. This a hard question...especially for a caring parent.  I personally think 7 or 8 is too young to roam around unsupervised.  I would honestly just t ry and pay a neighborhood girl, who is like junior high age to stay with him.  Just an idea.  I know its inconvienant but....its not always what the kids themselves might do or not do but youd be UNpleasantly suprised at the things they can learn from sitting on a curb from all the other kids in the neighborhood!  You could also get your child one of those Firely cell phones, its got like 3 pre-set numbers to use just for mom/dad, 911, etc.

  27. That would depend on your neighbourhood. I would suggest speaking to other parents about it and see what they feel.

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