
How old should my dog be before he can be used as a stud dog?

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I have a full bred 1 and a half yr old white German shepherd and i would like to know how old he needs to be before i can use him as a stud dog and what needs to be done in order for him to even be a stud dog.

Any information would be appreciated




  1. he needs to be full grown and mature and make sure he is used to other dogs so that way no dog is hurt in the breeding process. (take him on walks, introduce him to friends dogs, make him social, etc.

  2. He is fertile right now. You are supposed to wait 8 months to breed with a dog, but they are fertile by six months.

  3. Using your dog to gain money is selfish.

    There are plenty shelter dogs that need homes without new souls being born.

  4. Old enough to have had his hips scored, his elbows graded, to have been haemophilia B tested clear and to have been assessed as a good example of the breed, both physically & mentally. Allowing your dog to be used without good results is no less than downright irresponsible.

    Unless you want your dog's puppies to end up unwanted, maybe ill treated and destroyed, you need to make sure that he is only used by reputable breeders - there are too many GSDs being bred as it is.

    TBH, if you are a novice stud dog owner with a novice dog, it's pretty risky even attempting to use him at stud. Not only do you risk having your dog injured during a mating, if you don't know what you are doing, you risk a change in his temperament too.

  5. I wish I had a a white shepherd dog.

  6. Well, as for age, he might be fertile now, but probably wont be done maturing until 2 years or so.  I would wait until at least that time.

    Stud dogs, to appeal to those looking for a stud, will need a decent pedigree, good temperament and health, match the "breed standard", and hopefully have champion bloodlines.

  7. take into consideration your dogs temperament, if he runs off now hes more then likely will rome more after or if he is vicious might become worse, be good to get blood work done on him to find out if he has any physical sickness, these could be pasted down to his pups.

    many are going to ask if he has papers or is a champ i wouldn't worry to much about that. Mind you alot of people wanting to breed their girls may want to see paper work to prove hes a pure breed.

    I know of reasons for females not to be pregnant before two years but i don't know of any physical reasons for males. Might be good to ask a professional, I doubt you'll find any here or if you do they'll say nueture him to stop "back yard breeders" (think that's more about competition)

    best of luck

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