
How old should my rabbit be when I get him neutered?

by  |  earlier

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My brother wants a girl bunny, he's seen a few on the same rescue website that we got my rabbit that he likes, but we're not sure if we can get him neutered. I've tried looking on website and they all vary from two months minimum to eight months?

My mini lop is currently ten weeks :]

Another question: Are male-male parings good too? We have a pretty huge hutch y'see, and don't really wanna buy another if they don't get along!




  1. A male rabbit can be neutered as soon as the testicles descend. This usually happens at about 5 months of age. At 10 weeks, your rabbit it too young.

    2 male pairs can get along, but it takes a long time and special bunnies. A male/female pair is he best as long as both a fixed.

    You need to have 2 cages for the rabbits. Both will need to be fixed at the right time (females at 5-6 months). Then they have to heal, this can take 2-4 weeks. Then you can stat bonding, which can take months.

    Your brother can get a female rabbit. She would need to be housed separately form the male until both are fixed. You can not just put 2 rabbits in a cage and expect them to get along.

  2. The age for neutering rabbits actually depends on the breed and the speed at when the rabbit reaches maturity.

    For instance a dwarf/Holland lop can usually be neutered at 6 months where a continental giant should be left until around 9 months. This is because the internal organs take longer to develop properly.

    Neutering too soon could cause internal problems later on.

    Male to male pairing is very risky and it is rare that 2 bucks from different litters will get on. Two bucks from the same litter 'may' gat on as long as they are neutered as soon as their testicles decend.

    2 does at maturity will 'sometimes' not get on even when neutered, it depends o the individual rabbit in this case.

    I find the best pairing is a buck and doe, although not all rabbits are compatible due to the individual temperaments.

    When you do try to pair a couple it must be done slowly and with care. It can take up to 2 months sometimes to pair a rabbit up.

    You must introduce them in neutral territory and not in a hutch as there will be a territorial fight which can be severe.

    Some rabbits have to be put in a separate cage facing each other and a divided run for a month so. nose contact can be made and they get use to each other. Other rabbits bond straight away.

    It is important that both rabbits are neutered for health and to calm grumpy temperaments caused by hormones racing.

    please contact me if you need more help through my website.

  3. Call your vet and ask how old he should be to get nuetered.

    That is as good of an aswer your going to get out of me.

  4. Call a local vet clinic and ask a doctor, you'll get a more accurate answer from an expert

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