
How old should my son be before I let him cut the lawn? Both riding and push mowers?

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My son is 6, but a big 6. He can reach the pedals on the riding mower and is tall enough to use the push mower. He is really excited to mow the lawn and I know he would do a good job, I am just worried he is too young. So long as he is not physically hurting himself, should I allow my son to cut the grass?




  1. 6 is way too young to be cutting grass.  My son is 12 and just started cutting the grass last month.  12 is a good age for a push mower, 14 for the ride on

  2. Hey, I started mowing the lawn around his age, and I'm a girl! My dad said "Listen, you are big enough to start helping." The first few times I did it he stayed outside and made sure I was doing it right. He showed me how to prime it (it was a push mower) how to start it, and how to add gas. After about a month of supervision, he let me do it on my own. I felt good for helping and it made me feel like a big kid. Just make sure he wears tennis shoes, NO SANDALS! And show him how to do it for the first few times.

  3. He is far too young to mow the lawn.  My brothers were 9-10 when they got mowing duties. Six year olds aren't mature enough to be responsible around those types of blades.

  4. He's way to young to mow the lawn. I would say 10 is the best time.

  5. my daughter started on the riding mower at 10 (last summer).

    This year, she wanted to try the push mower so I let her last week - I supervised, but was a bit nervous of her slipping.  

    I would start him on the riding mower - on level ground - no inclines and as long as you feel comfortable and the boy is supervised it should be ok.

  6. 6 years is way too young.  It doesn't matter how "big" you are, it's the maturity level in the child.  They won't know what to do if something happens.  I would wait until at least 10 or 11.

  7. With supervision - yes, it will make him feel he is helping, give him a sense of responsibility and a job that is "his" . Both my boys mow and weed wack and have been for years 1 just turned 12 and 1 will be 11 in Sept. They both have been doing it for about 4 years now, but, we are always outside with them and have them in sight you know. Go for it!

  8. I would say 14

  9. 6 is too young. He could get seriously hurt.  I would wait until he's 11 or 12.

  10. if he can reach the pedals and knows how to stop the machine and your are supervising him then I don't see why he can't mow the yard, My son started 4 years ago when he was 8 now he'll mow the pasture with out being told cause he thinks it's fun . .

  11. NO! he should not be allowed NEAR the lawn mowers until he is at least 12

  12. i was aloud 2 at about 6-7.

  13. Way to young when I was 9 my mom got me to mow the yard, and I didn't even do a good job with it when I was 10 I was an expert let him start when he's nine just 3 more years

  14. My son first started off on those battery operated cars at 1 1/2 he got to be a good driver now he is on a quad at 5,  so I would let him drive a riding mower still supervised.

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