
How old should you be before you lose your virginity?

by Guest56217  |  earlier

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Not that i have or anuthing im only 14 but i have a lot of cousin and friends and they were all really young so i was just wondering what is around average?




  1. there is no age you do it when you feel ready, but if i had to say an age then i'd say average 17 years old

  2. personallyi would wait until i was married , u will never regret it.  


  4. the "average" age i think depends on culute, where u live , customs.... u know in some early society girls would marry and have a child by your age! ALso im pretty sure in some parts of the world it is common to have children and marry while a young teen. Of course, there is no actual "time" to have s*x. It should happen when you are mature and old enough emotionally and physically. Also when you are in a mature relationship. I too had cousins, and friends that were having s*x and having kids at your age, but i knew that waiting and being with the right person would be the best thing to do!  Im happy i didnt do it when evryone in high school was!

  5. Don't have s*x just because everybody else is doing it... or because your at the "average" age. It sounds cliché but the age you have s*x for the first time really is different for everybody.

    Just do it when it feels right for you and when you're with someone who cares and respects you.  :)

  6. don't worry about how old u need to be

    lose it when you ready because half

    of them are gonna regret it trust me

  7. oh no.

    don't think of your virginity like that.

    u shouldnt even worry about that.

    when the time comes.

    dont just do it because there can be some outcomes after s*x that you may not like.

    a. you can get pregnant

    b. diseases

    c. "u dont have to do it just because everyone is doing it"

    personally, i think it should be after marriage.

    but many people have theri own point of views.

    but for sure to keep in mind, dont just feel pressured that you HAVE to do it.

  8. Average age these days= around 16. alot of girls do it just to make their bfs happy and so they wont break up with them, then they do anyways and they realize it was a mistake!  

  9. age doesn't matter, it just matters if you feel comfortable and you think you're ready. could be 14, could be 18, could be 30. However, I suggest waiting until you're around 16 but that's just me

    answer mine?;...

  10. Old enough so you don' t do it to do like your friend, old enough not to believe the guy telling you to do it if you love him, because you have to know inside of you that it is time; If he loves you, he will wait until you are ready.

    Now, just because I am a little old style, 14 is WAY TOO YOUNG anyway.

    Moreover, I think that many young girls who claim they did it, did not do it:They are just pretending for their friends.

    Do you want to risk pregnancy, have to abort or abandoned or s***w up all your good years and schooling and all your future ?

  11. hAhA.


  12. There is no clear way to say when you should lose your virginity. It should be when you are ready when you feel comfortable enough about yourself. The way society is working these days the ages are younger and younger. However, think about all of the consequences to having s*x. First and foremost there are tons of diseases out there they have become so common that people didnt take them as serious as they really are. Syphilis although it is cure able it can do perminate brain damage if not detected in a reasonable timeframe. Thats only one of them dont forget there is AIDs which is a non-curable deadly disease. Then of course there is the most life changing of all of them and that is children. Most kids when they decide to have s*x dont take that into consideration. Take it from a single mommy of 2 baby girls yes they are my world but you know what didnt happen, college, the career to be able to buy them everything that I wanted to buy them. At 14 I couldnt even imagine having to deal with everything I deal with right now and just imagine some people do. I guess what I am trying to say is have s*x when YOU are ready dont go by what is the "average" and when you do just be very careful make sure to take everything into consideration because it is a very big life altering event. Honestly though at 14 I would say to enjoy your innocence as long as possible because you have the rest of your life to grow up! Hope this helps  

  13. Whenever you feel ready. Make sure you are with someone you trust, someone you knows cares about you, and someone willing to use protection. If you can't talk to your partner about condoms openly then you aren't ready.

  14. Wait as long as possible. Who cares what all those girls are doing.  I guarantee you they really aren't happy about what they have done.And   NO, it does not help you to get or  keep a man at any age.   Wait until you an adult at the very least... and it should be with a person you love and are in a monogamous committed relationship only.

    Enjoy being doesn't last long.  You have plenty of time to deal with the pressures of an adult world.

  15. I'd say like 15-19 for most people. I'm not sure about people that wait till marriage though

  16. When losing ur Virginity, the age u should b is at least between 14-16.

  17. you should definitely wait until you get married. this way you can feel like you saved your virginity for the right person and it will be more enjoyable knowing that was your first and only.

  18. You should be 16/18/21 depending on where you live and legal ages but i think 16 is average. I lost mine really early, and i don't regret it one bit. I've always been safe, i don't have a kid or stds. I don't think people who say you won't regret it if you wait til marriage are correct. When you're married you may regret only ever having s*x with one person and want more experience, leading to betrayal or divorce. Waiting until marriage isn't right for everyone. I'm glad i lost mine, i was ready and it made me who i am :) the majority of my sexual encounters are good experience lol.

  19. I agree with the views expressed by Rikku and others.

    It doesn't matter what the average age is. There is no particular age you should be before you have s*x. However, there are minimum legal ages and for good reason.

    In the old days, the idea of refraining from s*x until marriage worked. The reason being that back in the pioneering days many young gilrs were married by age 14 (some earlier than this). It had to do with survival and the short life expectancy back when modern medicine wasn't around. It meant that the time between puberty and the onset of sexual urges and actual intercourse were rather short.

    However, when the average age for getting married is now fast approaching 28 or 29 years of age, it is a bit rediculous for anyone to suggest that a person refrain until marriage.

    Sexual urges are there for a reason. However, it's not an "age decision" as such but a "maturity decision". Don't give yourself freely to another unless it feels right to you and you do it for you.

    And don't forget to take precautions - teenage pregnancy usually throws a real curve ball that no one is ever really ready for!  

  20. 14 its to young but theres not an age you have to be in love and make sure hes not using you only for that i lost my virginity at 17 with my boyfriend still together

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