
How old so you think i look?

by Guest64676  |  earlier

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i'm the burnette.

and rate me on prettiness. 1-10




  1. First of all, learn how to type!

    Second, it's hard to tell from the picture. I'd say probably around 13 or 14. And Prettiness I guess around 8.

  2. 13 years old.  Very pretty -- 10

  3. 13 or 14 and 8 on prettiness.

  4. Maybe 15? 9 out of 10. You are cute.

  5. 14 or 15


  6. you look 15..and a 8..


  7. 13 and I'm not going to rate people anymore

  8. i think ur ugly now since...

    u keep asking this question!

  9. u look 13 or 14

    u r sooo pretty!

    i give u a 10!!!!!!

    i love your hair!!!

    omg! u r so pretty!

  10. um 14 and ill rate you a 6.5


  11. 14yrs and 10 on prettiness  (no homo)

  12. 12-13 but your friend looks like 15 so idk haha


  13. iuno 15 -16

  14. You look about 12-14 - pretty.

  15. I'm going to say that you are an 8 year old asian prostitute.


  16. 13 and you a 9

  17. you look pretty from what i can tell.

    the pictureis kinda blurry, but from what i see i would rate you a 7 out of 10.

  18. 10 or 11 years old.

    a 3

  19. Look about 14 and your really pretty

    an 8

  20. ....................

    9 years old.


    sorry i don't rate 9 year olds.

    just ask all the 50 year old dudes on this site to do that.

  21. 8.6789

    i like this picture

  22. 13 for age and 10 for prettiness

  23. you look 12  

  24. 10 becuase just because you are so beautiful

  25. About 12. 4 out of 10.

  26. you look 13-14.

    your prettiness? Prettier than your friend! 8.9

  27. u already asked this. trying to get more ppl calling u pretty?

  28. woww if seen this question ATLEAST 2 times before..its getting old..just get over yourself.

  29. haaad to sneak in "am i pretty," didn't you.

  30. 12 and 7

  31. 14, and to rate u. i'd say maybe 6 or 7..  

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