
How old to buy a airplane ticket?

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Okay, me and my sister plan on going to Thailand when i am 18 and she is 16. I was wondering how old you have to be to buy a airplane ticket and could me and my sister fly alone. We are going alone, no parents.




  1. You'd have to check with the official policy of the airline.  There might not be a problem for your sister since she will be traveling with an adult.  I know this is the case for domestic travel.  

    I don't know how international travel changes policy, but it might not be a problem.

    However, I would be wary about traveling alone to Thailand.  Do you know what to do if you become a victim in that country?  It could be important information.

  2. Anyone can buy a ticket. So if you're buying no problem. As for travel, sure both of you can travel alone to Thailand no problem.

    I know kids 15-16, who travel alone unaccompanied. Having to go alone with airline care is optional. Most kids do it so often internationally, that they can travel with their eyes closed!

  3. dont matter just as long as you have the money!!!!

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