
How old to do laundry?

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i want to do my own laundry now- how old do you think kids should be before they should and how do you do the laundrt?




  1. it's not hard

    Well, if you want to , i don't see the problem

    I'm 14, but i've done it at as young as 9

  2. Don't know if it's an age thing. My daughter likes to "help" (but it's not terribly helpful help at this point)... but, once she's able to do it without destroying it, I think it's fair to at least ask her to help out. 10? 12? I guess it depends on the kid...

    That said, my DH is more than old enough to do the laundry. We don't let him... it NEVER ends well for the clothes :) lol.

  3. i think you should be old enough to understand how to use a washing machine properly, and how much it costs to fix them when you dont.

  4. Ask an adult to show you. My niece has learned at age 7 how to properly load a washer and how much soap. She can't quite get the dials yet, so she needs help with that. She can also load the dryer and unload it.  

  5. me mom made mestart doing the laundry at 10at 11 she left me aloneat the laundnry mat to do it myself

  6. If you don't know how to do laundry, you're not old enough!

    My kids are going to help when they are old enough to know what to do, then by like 9 or 10 they will put their own laundry in and I'll start it up, by about 13/14 they can do their own.

  7. You put in in the machine, add the correct amount of soap (far easier now it comes in tablets), turn the dial to the right number and hit the "on" switch. It's no harder than turning on the TV.

    That said, why do you want to do your "own" laundry? It's far more economical to only do full loads, and for most people that means doing everyone's together.

    I'd happily talk my nine year old through it, but it hasn't arisen. I do expect him to present his dirty clothes next to the machine when I ask for them, though - and if he doesn't, it doesn't get washed.

  8. My daughter started doing her own laundry when she was 12.  I made her start because she didn't want to pick up when I was ready to do laundry, and then she'd complain that something she wanted was dirty.  Now she has no one to blame but herself.

    My son is 12 and I do his laundry still.  I'm starting to make him help me fold his clothes though, but until he complains in my daughters style or starts doing it on his own, then I'll probably continue to do it for him.  He's my "baby".  lol

  9. I don't think a child needs to do their own laundry.

    If my child wanted to do their own laundry I'd think they were hiding something from me.

    As for just doing the washing, any age really. My 4yo knows how to turn my washing on. He is a great help. It doesn't take much to chuck a basket in, and switch a k**b.

    If you want to do I say do it, but when you do it, chuck everyone else's in as well. Like for whites, do a full load, and colours, a full load. Otherwise it's a terrible waste of water.

  10. Honestly, it depends on the child.  My 11yo son, I wouldn't let touch the laundry by himself with a 10 foot pole, lol.  My 9yo son does a great job with the laundry and my 6 yo daughter is a great help, but can't do it herself.  

  11. I'm 18 and i do all my family's laundry. ii jut do my mothers, brother, and my own laundry. my brother sometimes does his own and he is 15.

    when ever they understand how to clean close and how much detergent to but in the washer and so on and so forth
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