
How old to get into bars/nightclubs in Mexico?

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I am sixteen years old turning seventeen but when I go to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, I will be sixteen. The legal drinking age in Mexico is acually 18, although there are several exceptions and seldomly do they check ID if you look even close to 18. I might be going to the bars/nightclubs with a friend or possibly even alone. Do they accept bribes? I do look about seventeen years old. Do you think they will check my ID, and if so, will they accept it, and let me in? What is the acual age to get into bars and nightclubs? Please let me know if your speaking from experience or thought and how old you where if experienced cause it makes a difference. The more info and writting the better, please add as many details. Thank you so much in advance.




  1. I think legal age is 18, but most places dont care.

  2. It really depends on alot of factors.  One, there might be police in the area and the bar owners crack down.  Two, you might get past the doormen okay but then the waiters won't serve you.  Three, if you arrive really late and tip large, you probably will be served. I go to the nightclubs all the time and see kids about 15 to 17.  They  usually drink maybe 2 shooters and 3 drinks before they are puking all over the place and are removed.  The only problem with this, is you might get separated from your friends, and that can be bad.  Often there are alot of men standing around the outside of clubs waiting/watching for punks like you.  If you are wasted, you just make it easier.  If you plan to drink, at least try not to act like an orangutan.  Then you won't stick out!

  3. They migth let you in if you go with an adult and if you don't drink.

  4. In Mexico the law is very clear: Illegal to SELL to minors, but LEGAL for minors to DRINK booze. Technically waiters at night clubs wouldn't be breaking the law if a friend over 18 "buys" the drinks and shares them with you. Remember that this is the country where people actually give alcohol to little babies and it's socially perfectly normal (but this is more of rural areas than cities).

    That said, it will be very easy for you to buy the booze at a supermarket and drink at the hotel (in Mexico City it's ill seen to see people drinking in the streets, but perfectly normal elsewhere for some reason, must be exclusive to the cops here to get bribes just causing us trouble). I hate going to nightclubs (added the fact that I still look like I'm 14 years old despite being over 20). The one time I went I was still 17 but I went with a person of legal age and I had no problem getting alcohol once inside. They only asked me at the entrance for my voting card (which I obviously didn't have because of my age) but they still let me in because I went with someone over 18 with a voting card.

    There's a chance cops could storm in and get a raid, but you won't be "arrested", they will just send you back with your parents saying what a naughty little kid you are and will book the waiter on bail instead. However, this is more of Mexico City and it's highly unlikely this will happen to you.

    If you look over 18 it's improbable anyone will even notice. Just don't drink and drive though.

    Oh, one word of advice from my experience; go with a friend you can trust if you're planning to drink enough to get drunk. If you're like me and rarely drink, you can get drunk with just 1 cup of booze unless you drink slowly or had a big dinner just a while ago. If you get really drunk at a bar, they will leave you in a more open area to sober down if you go alone and people could steal your money. I saw this happen to a guy who got really wasted and the waiters literally mugged him.

  5. I dont think they really care.

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