
How old was Ankhesenamun when she married Tutankhamen?

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How old was Ankhesenamun when she married Tutankhamen?




  1. She was around 12-13 years old and Tutankhamun was around 8-9 years old.Ankhesenamun was the daughter of the famed beauty, Nefertiti, and Akenaten(Tutankhamen's brother/father by another wife),whom some called the heretic king because he wanted the lands to worship only one god,the sun disk,Aten.This angered the priests of the other gods,especially the priests of Amun.When Akenaten died,the worship of the multi-gods resumed,Tutankhaten changing his name to Tutankhamun,Ankhaspaaten changing hers to Ankhasenamun to honor the change.

    Try visiting National Geographic's website or read  their book,by Desroches and Noblecourt about the subject. Also of interest is the head of Egyptian Antiquities, Dr. Zahi Hawass' website The Plateau at

  2. When Ankhesenamun married Tutankhamen, she was 13 years old. Although historians are not exactly sure if she was a blood relative of his, Ankhesenamen was definitely married to one king -- she was the Great Royal Wife of pharaoh Tutankhamum (who may have been her half-brother). It is also possible that she was briefly married to Tutankhamun's successor, Ay. It has also been speculated that she may have been the great royal wife of her father, Akhenaten, after the possible death of her mother and of Akhenaten's immediate successor, Smenkhkare, when she was twelve, although the parentage is unclear.

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