
How old was Barack Obama's mother when he was born?

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a41405890210 ~ They married in February (the second month of the year). Barry came along in August (the eighth month of the year). I've laid out the details now you connect the dots.




  1. Old enough to legally have s*x.


    btw-....the Dems aren't the ones preaching against abortion, and abstinence education only c**p...

    Palin's daughters problems are a direct result of her own misguided stances on these issues.

    How many more pregnant 17 year olds will it take to convince your party of "morals" that the fundi right's abstinence only education ideals do not work....?

    Anyone who has kids should know that they tend to do the exact opposite of what you tell them...  Just say no is the dumbest approach you can take with kids.  They need information, they need to have access to contraceptives.....and if you deny them this....then this is the result..   A pregnant 17 yr old.

    ------added in response-----

    No it's not within the law.  The law states that you have to be 18 to have consentual s*x.  But you can't charge the 18 year old with statutory rape because it's such a minor age gap.  It's still against the law to have s*x under 18.  If he had been 21, he would be in jail....but that's neither here nor there.

    Fact is, they should have used a condom, and if her parents weren't so fundamentalist and stubborn...they might have re-enforced that fact.

  2. What does that have to do with anything. Obama came up from tough circumstances and is a faithful husband and a good father. Sarah Palin is a negligent, careless mother. Do you see the difference, or are you blinded by politics?

  3. 18

  4. 18.  Let me ask you this.  which is more of reflection on an individual?  the way their parents lived before they were born or the way their children live after they are born?

  5. I love the hypocrisy - Obama was different because it was different... Palin is wrong because she is a republican.

  6. 18 and it had no bearing on anything because she didn't campaign for governor on an abstinence platform.

  7. It has nothing to do with this election. Neither does a child's pregnancy in this one, except to Republicans who are embarrassed by it.

    Her mother's apparent hypocrisy may however.

    btw, if you want to start crunching numbers on Obama's parentage, you may want to on Sarah's first child's also...

  8. Who cares.  He is not preaching to people that abstinence-only s*x education works, when it actually doesn't.  There is no irony here, no hypocrisy, and therefore no story.  Now if he left his kids, that would be a story because he preaches about dads being there for their kids.

  9. So.  She's wasn't running for office on the "family values" ticket.  

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