
How old was Greg Page when he knocked down Mike Tyson in that sparring match?

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I remember reading some where that during a sparring match former champion Greg Page put Iron Mike on the seat of his pants, how close to 50 was Greg when he dropped Mike?




  1. yep, rjj fan is correct, he was 31......and it was when mike was training for the douglas fight (you tube removed the video).

  2. I believe that was sometime before the Buster Douglas fight.

    Page was born in October 1958 so he would have been 31 maximum.

  3. The absolute correct answer to you question is 19 years!

    You asked how CLOSE to 50 was he knocked down Mike.

    To figure that do the following.

    X+Greg(Knockdown) - Mike[1 knockdown] + or Minus (50 - 31).

    Next you solve for Greg, and Mike.

    X= Greg + Mike on his ***(50 - 31)

    Then you factor.

    X = Greg knocked Mike on his *** @ 50 - 31



    The correct answer is 19!

    Keep Your Hands Up!!!!

    Big Nate Dog!!!

  4. It was during the training for Tyson's fight against Tubbs.  It's too early to do the math.

    Ok, I've done the math.  Page was 31.  Born October 1956, page was Tyson's sparring partner for the Tubbs fight in April, 1988.  Thought page was a little older than that.

  5. i saw a tv clip on that some years back.

    and as far as i know, in sparring there are chances that a fighter is knocked down and bruised by their partner.

    we aren't sure if that's the only time tyson gets kdown. that's the only one caught on tv though.

    mayweather was reported to be k'downed too

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