
How old was Ramses II when he died? and what illness?

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Yes I know, but I want use yahoo answers is funny.




  1. Rameses ll was 92 years old when he died. When he was mummified the process of mummification took about 70 days and then he was buried in the temple on the royal necropolis of the valley of the kings.

    An examination of the mummy that were conducted show that there were some medical problems Rameses ll had been suffering from which could be a reasonable suspicion on the cause of his death. Old age and the amounts of infection that was discovered in his heart, teeth and his hip could also be the reason for his death.

  2. He was anywhere from 90 to 93 years old when he died. He ruled for 67 years.

    Egyptologists today believe that he died of arthitritis.

    He may have also died of a tooth infection/diseases, for Egyptians then did not have any kind of dental care.

  3. Google it perhaps?

  4. i had no idea so i did what i always do....cheat

    ur answer is:

    about 90..arthritis and hardening of the arteries

    why do u wanna know that???

  5. Ramses II ruled during the 19th Dynasty (1279-1212 BC),  he was born to Queen Tuy and his father Sety I.  He is also known as Ramesses the Great.

    He was once said to have lived to be 99 years old, but Egyptologists think that it is more likely that he died in his 90th or 91st year.

    He was given the throne at the age of about 20 and ruled for 67 years. Thus he was the second longest-ruling Pharaoh.

    Although Ramses II had a harem of wives, his special wife was Nefertari and it was presumed that he had over one hundred children with all his wives.

    His final resting place was his tomb KV7 in the Valley of the Kings. It is located in the main valley, opposite the tomb of his sons, KV5, and near to the tomb of his son and successor, Merenptah, KV8. The tomb's location has meant that it has been very badly damaged in the flash floods that periodically sweep through the valley.

    Hope that helps


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