
How old was Tutankhamen when he married Ankhesenamun?

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Was Ankhesenamun older than King Tut?




  1. Tutankhamen married Ankhesenamun (possibly his older half-sister) at the age of nine. Ankhesenamun was 3 years older than Tutankhamen, when she married him at the age of 13. Some time in the ninth year of his reign, at about the age of eighteen, Tutankhamen died suddenly leaving Ankhesenamen alone without an heir at about age twenty-one.

    Note: Although historians are not exactly sure if they were blood relatives, Ankhesenamen was definitely married to one king -- she was the Great Royal Wife of pharaoh Tutankhamum (who may have been her half-brother) since her the parentage is unclear.

  2. He was around 8-9 years old,Ankhesenamun being 12-13 years old.

    Tutankhamun started life as Tutankhaten.He was brother/son of the heretic pharaoh Akenaten, who changed the worship of many gods to one god,the sun disk Aten.

    Tutankhamun's stepmother/mother-in-law was Nefertiti;she was mother of Ankhenaspaaten,

    who later changed her name to Ankhesnamen,when her father died and Egypt reverted back to polytheism,the worship of many gods.

  3. He was nine.

    Also, Ankhesenamum was his half sister...but this kind of thing was very common back then.

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