
How old was king tut before he died ?

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How old was king tut before he died ?




  1. Tutankhamen was 18-19 years of age. Here's a link to the National Geographic pages dedicated to him:

  2. King Tut became a Pharaoh at the age of 9 and died 10 years later... so 19.

  3. 19

  4. 19.  I just saw this on a documentary yesterday.

  5. King Tutankhamun (1341 BC – 1323 BC) was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty (ruled 1333 BC – 1322 BC) during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. He had reigned for nine years—he was only 8 years old when he became pharaoh. He died 11 years later, at age 19. In historical terms, Tutankhamun is of only moderate significance, and most of his modern popularity stems from the fact that his tomb in the Valley of the Kings was discovered almost completely intact.


  6. About 18 or 19.

  7. i sure it was 17

  8. I thought I heard he was a young teenager.

  9. Wasn't he like 100 and something years old?

    Guys Tutankhamen and King Tut Are two different Dynasties and Two different Religions and Pharaohs!!!

  10. I have read the same as the previous poster. He was allegedly a young boy, and that was the reason his gender was previously questioned

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