
How old was the oldest person that ever lived???

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I was just wondering because my great grandmother is turning 100 in April 2009 and she's still healthy.




  1. The second answer: Methuselah, and that is questionable.

    I belive the oldest woman lived to be 121 or 126, i'm not sure which

    the oldest man was 120, i'm sure of that.

  2. A  women 115 years old named  Maria Capovilla from memphis tenn.was supposedly "oldest person" ever lived  but wow god bless your grandmother to make it to 100 yrs old that's  amazing  you can go to this website

    good luck :)

  3. a guy just died this week in india who was 139 years old.....i included a link to the article.

  4. A sister (spiritual) of mine is 102.5 ys. and also healthy.

    In biblical times ALL people became old; Abraham was already 60 ys old when Sem, the middle son of Noah, an eyewitness of the great flood, died... no wonder Abraham´s faith became literal :)

    Ages of old earthlings you´ll find in Genesis, chapter 5.

    The oldest person who ever lived on earth was Jesus Christ; as the first-born of all creation he was maybe already billions of years old when he ignited as his father´s master worker the Big Bang...

    while the person of Jehovah God naturally had to live to  create the time ;)

  5. It is Methusula. Like 969 year old, but if you want to get technical Elijah never died, he was raptured.

  6. I think it was like either 126 or 121 or something.

  7. A man in the Bible.. .Methuselah at 969 years. sorry about the spelling, the names were awkward in them times. He lived to 969 (correct me if that's wrong)..but it's definatly more than 900.. awesome.. I think it's because became more acceptive towards sin and homosexuality etc that we are living to on average only 70,80 etc.

    God later lowered the average lifespan.

    Your great grandmother must have looked after herself, I give her credit. Is she a christian?

  8. A man in the Bible lived to be over 900?

    Was he a space alien?

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