
How old was you baby when she could say dad?

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I can't wait till my daughter can say old was your little one when they said it, and did you do anything to help it along a bit?




  1. seems like she was around 8 or 9 months she said dada before mama they say it is easier to say. lol just talk to your baby making sounds and it will happen

  2. My daughter was about 4 months when she said it, and she started saying a few other words then too but she started talking early. From the moment she was born I spoke to her continuously and pronounced my words clearly and she used to watch my lips and when she got to a few months old she would try and copy me so I think that had alot to do with it.  

  3. My first daughter was about 8 months, my second daughter was about 9 months, and my son was about 8 months also.

  4. well my daughter's first word was dada and she was 11 months, when she turned a year she said mama and then it went on from there.

  5. 4 months old

  6. My baby is almost 8 months and she absolutly adores her daddy, She can't say it verbally yet but we are teaching her baby signing and she can say daddy with ther hands!

    Hang in there it'll happen soon!

  7. my lil kuz started wen she was 7 months

  8. My son was about 4 months when he said it.  Some say it early, some say it much later.  And be careful what you wish for - you may want her to talk now, but you'll wish otherwise when she's talking your ear off!  =)

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