
How old was you?

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ok um im just board so how many girls got pregnant at a young age and did you keep it and for the boys did you guys ever get a girl pregnant at a young age and did you help with the baby




  1. im 20 & i have never been pregnant.

    BUT!...about 90% of my friends, guys and girls, have kids..

    There between 17-22 yrs old.

    They all kept their baby. Most of them were planned

  2. I was married at 19, and got pregnant at 21, and had little Carter Gabriel at 22. =)

  3. I don't have any kids, but my friends started to get pregnat at the age of 14 and up.

  4. I was 16 when I fell pregnant with #1. I was in an abusive relationship and raped by my ex. It was horrible. I kept my baby and raised him completely on my own (no visits from the father or financial support) until I met my fiance when he was 12 months old. He's now 4 and only knows my fiance to be his dad. we have a 9month old daughter and are getting married Nov 1. I am now 22 and couldn't be happier.

  5. 17, when I had my first born.

    He is 35,Now.

    But I still see him as my little boy.

    Even though he's 6'2"  and towers over me!

  6. I was older, but a couple of girls I went to school with had babies at 17.  One is in a stable relationship with a guy now who isn't the father of her daughter, the other married the guy and had a couple more children and they've been together for 20 years now.

    I know a woman who had a baby at 11............she was a grandmother at 30!

  7. I was married and twnety-two when I got pregnant with my first daughter. She came along four days after my twenty third birthday. She was definiteley planned, and I could not of been happier then, and almost nine years later, I could not be happier

  8. I was 18 when I had my first one - 27 now with 3 kids. I was not married to him, but he is the father of 2 of my kids and has not seen nor had anything to do with them for the last 4 yrs. My husband, who is the father of my youngest child, has taken the role of their daddy.

  9. my wife was 30 and i was 31. we had our first at home as planned. i had front row seats and sore arms for the next three days, she was pulling like nothing else.

  10. I got pregnant at 20 but I got married at 19... I found out that I was pregnant 4 months after I got married. It was kinda planned. We are still together and we have another one on the way. Stay focused and be blesses.

  11. I don't believe "not keeping it" i.e. abortion is EVER okay, whatever the young lady's circumstance.  Often, (and my mom works in a hospital) when a young woman gets an abortion, she feels WORSE afterwards, like a murderer, and like there's a gaping hole in her life, really depressed.  I think that if a boy is stupid enough to get a girl pregnant, he should suffer the consequences and a.) marry her like they did in the good 'ole days or b.) help with the dang baby!!!  

    My mother was married at 17, and my dad was 23, and she got pregnant at 20 and had me at 20 and a half.  I guess it's different when the couple is actually married though.  I'm guessing you're only 15 or 16 or so?

  12. i was married and got pregnant at the age of 20 and my husband was v coperative and i m happy

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