
How old was your baby the first time you spent the night away from them?

by Guest32933  |  earlier

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How old was your baby the first time you spent the night away from them?




  1. My daughter was probably around 6 weeks old when she first had a sleep over with her grandma. She was colic and I needed a good nights sleep, as well as some fun with the hubby:) She is 3 months old now and she has been to a few sleep overs with both grannys. It gives us a break as well as bonding time with her grandmas.

  2. my kids are almost 8 and almost 4 and i have never been away from them at all unless i went to the store and they where home with there daddy but they have never been with a family member or  a sitter since they where born

  3. she was 5 months old, and her daddy and i had just gotten married and we were going on our honey moon. she stayed with my mom

  4. my daughter was three and i was away from her for 3 days while i was at the hospital it was very hard!

  5. 14 months old and that was one time. it went a lot better than i expected because he stayed with my step-mother and she watches him during the day while I'm at work. he absolutely adores her and had a great time. she said he was a little confused at first but he took it well and he wasn't even that excited to see me in the morning when i picked him up. i had him spend the night away because i was going out for my 21st b-day and then having people coming over. i was going be drinking and didn't feel ccomfortable being around him while i was drinking plus i knew he's want to nurse. he is 16 months old now and hasn't spent the night away from me yet again but he will sat as i am ggoingout for a bachelorette party.

    didnt really lik spending the ngiht away though and it made me too nervous i might not this time. i kept feeling like i had to check on him and my sleep wasnt any better either.

  6. my son is nearly 4 months and i havn't even left him during the day yet. my husband and i have a wedding at the end of December this's a 3 hour drive from were we live so my little man will be spending the night at my mum's. he'll be 9 months old. i feel anxious about it already lol

  7. My daughter was about 6 weeks old when she stayed at my mom's house.  She had acid reflux and was only sleeping about 45 minutes at a time.  I needed a good night's sleep to be able to function.

  8. She was three days shy of six weeks old the night I got sick and went to the ER with severe upper abdominal pain. I found out then that I had gallstones, and my pancreas had become inflamed because of them. I spent four days in the hospital NPO, hooked up to an IV, allowing my pancreatic enzymes to return to normal levels before having another major abdominal daughter was born by c-section just weeks earlier. It was the hardest four days of my life, and we haven't been separated overnight since.

  9. My daughter was 2 weeks old when she stayed the night with my sister-in-law.  She was fine, I needed a break.  

  10. Mine was a few months from turning two when I spent the first night away from her. And actually she spent the night away from me. Her Nay-Nay went on vacation and asked if she could go with her, and since I didn't trust anyone else to babysit while I was at work, and couldn't take off to go with, she was able to go. It was a hard few days but she had lots of fun.  

  11. well with my first it was 3 months, but with my 2nd the first night, he never really left the hospital.

  12. He's 1 year old and I still haven't left him over-night .. and I don't plan to leave him over-night any time soon! =]

    Edit to Add:

    I DID actually leave him over-night, ONCE, with his Grandma when my husband got his appendix out (emergency) at 3am.

    But I didn't technically leave him 'over-night' .. my mom came to our house to watch him and I was at the Hospital with my husband; so I didn't actually 'sleep' away from him: I was up ALL NIGHT with my hubby =]

    .. he was 9 months old.

  13. My son was almost 2 months old when he stayed the night at his MIL's house.  I hated leaving him but I knew he was in good hands.  He is 5 months old and has had 3 overnights at my parents house.  I think it is healthy for moms and dads to have a break.

  14. my first son was 10 weeks...he stayed with his Nana and Papa for 1 night My second son was 5 months and he stayed with is Nana and Papa 1 night and his Aunt and Uncle the other night.  Both my boys do great, of course they miss their mommy and daddy but I also think it is good for them to feel comfortable spending the night at other peoples houses.  They both took expressed milk with no problems and nursed just fine when I picked them up.  

  15. Still haven't!   She's 21 months.

    My feeling is that I have years and years to "relax and get away" when she's much much older!!  I want to be there for her if she has a nightmare, or just needs booby comfort.  :)

    Edit:  LOL at my thumbs down!!!  I didn't criticize anyone else, simply stated how I feel about it...

  16. My twins were 5 months oh I cried so bad. It was soooooo hard because I had to go to my home country the U.S. from the U.K. their I trusted their dad but it was still sooooo hard and I don't ever want to do it again..their my babies.

  17. Unfortunately for me it, she was 18 months old the first time. It was when I was in the hospital having my twin boys, ah a blessed three days in bed. Haven't been away from them for one night yet either. I suppose it'll be in January when I have my next one.

  18. My daughter was 18 months old when I first was away from her for the night - and it was because I was in the hospital giving birth to my son!  That is the only time i have been away from her, and I have never spent the night away from my son, who it now 15 1/2 months  :)

  19. My daughter had just turned four months old. My husband and i were invited to a party at his relatives and we went for a bit while my parents watched her.  She ended up falling asleep before we came home, and my mother suggested she stay the night (she secretly really wanted her to).  It was very difficult going home without her, but in the end she was better off because we didn't disrupt her sleep, and i think that it can be good for parents to take time for each other every once in a while as long as you are comfortable leaving baby with someone that you trust.  Its all about your comfort level.

  20. 5 1/2 months....he stayed with my mother but i still wasn't ready, i barely slept cause i couldn't stop thinking about him.  I knew HE was ready and that he would be just fine but i had the separation anxiety instead of him.

  21. I had a Sparks Campout in June. My baby was 6 months old and we spent 19 hours appart. He was at home with dad and I was camping with 10 5 & 6 year olds. It was along 19 hours and that is the longest we have ever been apart.

  22. my son is 7 months and i have never spent a night away from him.  it would be torture for me, i would rather not go through that (or put him through that, imagine if he woke up and mommy wasn't there?? ugh i can't even imagine!)

  23. my son will be 3 months old on my birthday coming up and he is staying with his auntie (at our home) so mommy can enjoy a night alone with daddy :)

    i dont understand thumbs down. its perfectly fine to do this and my sister is the best person. are we supposed to be attatched to our baby 24-7 unltil he moves out? i spend every second of every day with him one night is not going to ruin his life!

  24. 10 months

  25. she was almost 4 and it was when i had my 2nd child and she came to the hospital when we had the baby ( i had a c-section took less then an hour) she stayed outside the room with my mom and best friend then that night she went home with my husband  

  26. My oldest was 2 months old.  

  27. My son was 3 weeks old when he stayed the night at my husband's parents house.He did prefectly fine.My mother in law LOVED IT!!! Plus it gave my husband and I a break for a couple days.:)

  28. It was just recently, Emma is nine months old.  My sister in law was in labor and my mom picked her up from the hospital at 9:00 that night.  She took her to church the next morning and then brought her back to the hospital.  I have a hard time with the thought of being away from her for a night unless I have a reason.  If I was just sitting at home, I would miss her too much.  I was not able to stay home when Emma was younger and I guess I just hate being away from her.....

  29. A week before my son's first birthday, I had a business meeting in California.  I live on the east coast... but I was still nursing.  So, I left the house at 5 am on Monday morning, flew there, had my meeting, and took the red-eye back.  I arrived in time for a mommy milk breakfast on Tuesday.  

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