
How old was your bub when?

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Hey, how old was your bubby the first time s/he rolled over from tummy to back?

My son is 5 weeks old and today as i was getting him ready for a bath he rolled over for the first time!

Also last week my mum was holding him and he grabbed her fingers and pulled himself into a sitting position...I don't remember my other 2 kids doing this at such a young old was yours?




  1. 8 weeks!

    He did it consistently for about a week and then it was almost like he forgot how to do it.  He started doing this regularly again after aout 3 1/2 mths.

  2. Is your baby big? My son is 4.5 months and hes not rolling yet, but have noticed since he was 10pd at birth he was stronbg early and holding his head up at 3 days old

  3. i cant remember when he first sat up but he rolled from tummy to back just over 3 months, and from back to tummy on his 4 month birthday

  4. My daughter did this at around 5.5 months..she just never seemed to interested in doing it before at 7 months shes crawling..sitting..rolling both ways..and even has 3 teeth!

  5. Wow! What a clever boy, that is really early! He must be really strong. My son first rolled over from back to front at 6 months (he was premmy and VERY lazy), and my daughter was 3 months. Don't remember my son ever really mastering going from front to back, I think he was about a year old before I noticed he could do it, and looks like daughter is going the same way - she's almost 6 months and no sign of going from front to back yet.

  6. my son rolled back to tummy the day after his one month checkup and tummy to back around a week before 2 months

  7. Hello, My son was 4 weeks early and he rolled over at 5 weeks old.  (from belly to back) he did this a couple times, but once he put a bit of weight on, it was harder for him to do.  It is easier for babies to roll from belly to back than from back to belly, so usually they do belly to back first.

    It sounds like you have a healthy strong son!

    Many blessings with your bundle(s)!

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