
How old was your child when he or she was fully potty trained?

by Guest62172  |  earlier

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Not night time training...I know that takes a while. Did you decide when it was time or did you let them show signs? Pull up or underwear?

My daughter was trained at 2.5 years old. She was showing signs but we kind of had to take control of the situation and tell her what to do. We didn't do pull-ups...just panties and a lot of laundry :-)




  1. first two were potty trained at 1 1/2 the third and fourth 2 1/2 :) they all decided on their own that they were ready i did not push them i just put the undies on them and showed them toilet and said "pee pee in the potty" well actually i sang it and jumped for joy and practicaly through a party when they used it and that was that!

  2. My son was potty trained at 16 months  

  3. Our son was about 2 and a half. We never bothered with Pull Ups either .Waste of money!

    Our daugher was nearer 3 as she finds it harder to communicate. But she went straight into being dry at nights too!

    Our youngest daughter will no doubt be about 2 and a half too.

  4. Completely potty trained means potty trained at nitetime too. My son was completely potty trained at 4yrs and 9 months old......he wore underwear pull ups. My daughter was trained at 3 yrs and 3 months pull ups. They were both partially trained (still going at nite in their pants) at around 3 1/2 yrs for my son and 3yrs for my daughter.

  5. its different for every little brother who is 4 was potty trained like when he was 3-ish though. I think 3 is about normal though.

  6. one daughter was potty trained at about 19 months and other was about 2 1/2 and they are twins

  7. 18 months - all of 'em

  8. My oldest girl was 3 1/2 when she was completely trained. Our 2nd girl was 3 years and around 10 months. Our son is 3 years and 7 months and he is dry during the day, but sleeps in pull-ups at night. He will wake up dry around 3-4 days out of 7. I didn't do pullups during the day for any of them- just night time.

  9. My daughter was 2 when she was fully potty trained I did use pull ups when we first started and away from the house like out at a store or at the park but at home we used only panties. We never had any problems at night  

  10. my son we started at 2.5 because altot of the kids at daycare were doing it. We started with pull-ups. I took him to the store and let him pick out ones he wanted and some big boy undies. The pull-ups were for night timeprimarilyy and then at nightdefinitelyy. within a couple months he was trained off of both. I explained to him if he kept his pull-up dry(no accidents) he could pick out more big boy undies. I think i only had to throw away a couple pairs from accidents (#2). If he had a pee accident he had to wear pull-ups solid for 1 day. He hated them eventually and it ceased. He's 5 now!

  11. My daughter was fully trained at 2.5 and we went straight to underwear too. We waited til she showed signs she wanted to use the toliet.

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