
How old was your child when they began to show a real interest in reading?

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I've got a 5 1/2 year old daughter (6 in July) in kindergarten, and she loves to read... She'll actually spend time in her bedroom or on the couch just reading Dr. Seuss books or whatever. She's actually reading all the words in the books, not just looking through them...

Is this normal/average? It seems early to me, but I'm just her proud Mama... :-)





  1. My daughter's reading skills took off at the beginning of 1st grade.

  2. My daughter had an interest in reading when she was abou three..she loved being read she is always reading something ,even if   the back of the oatmeal box...

  3. I got interested at 4! I learnt to read at kindergarten and i read sign posts, kids books and i tried to read anything with writing! I was higher then alot of kids in a reading level and i still love it!

    Its good that she likes reading and i bet she'll end up being a great reader. I used to read mr men books lol. It's normal, i remeber the 2nd week of kinder garten (im in highschool now) all my friends were around me and i was reading to them (i didnt know how to read back then but so i made up the words! lol)

    Its really good that she can read at a young age!

  4. congrads on a smart child(:

    i hated reading until i started chapter books...

    so about until i was 10!:]

  5. mine were interested in reading at that age. My daughters interest has waned in the last couple of year (they are 9 now) but my son reads everything at everychance he has

  6. My son wasn't excited about reading until he was midway through first grade.  My daughter, though, has been excited about it since before kindergarten.  There are a couple of other kids in her kindergarten who are reading, too.

    Congrats on having a strong reader, it will benefit her throughout all of her life.

  7. My youngest daughters love of reading and just books in general began at like 4 years old.  She would rather look at a book or magazine than play.  Last week, she was reading the phone book (the yellow pages).  when I was a teenager, I did the same thing.

  8. my daughter is 5 she is doing the same just be proud also it shows that you do read to her and she will always remember that

  9. I think it may be a little better than average if she is reading books but some school districts have tougher standards than others so it's hard to say.

    My oldest has learning disabilities and he didn't start reading books until first grade.    My second son didn't start reading books until first grade also but his reading skills sort of "exploded".    He was reading at the 3rd/4th grade level by the time he was done with first grade so once he started reading he progressed faster than most of his classmates.

    You should be proud of your daughter.    Encourage her to keep reading. :)

    ETA: If she could read "Little House on the Prairie" then she is doing really well for a kindergartener.    That's a lot more challenging than Dr. Suess books.    Definitely get her into a school that'll challenge her some more.   She sounds like she needs that.

  10. My children read at the age of 4, and were fluent readers before starting school at the age of 5.  Although the comprehension sometimes took a little longer depending on the book they read.

  11. That is really wonderful.  My daughter was about the same age when she began to really love reading (although as a toddler she'd pull books down and "read" to herself).

    Do everything you can to encourage her love of reading.  Buy her lots of books, take frequent trips to the library.  My daughter is 9 1/2 now and she's read all the "Ramona Quimby" books, the "Little House on the Prairie" series, and many Judy Blume books.

  12. ya it's average my son does at time

  13. both of my kids were reading when they started pre-k at 4 yrs old - but then I'm an avid reader.  Your should be proud - kids that read advance faster.  It shows you have worked with her and helped her to learn so be proud of yourself too.

  14. I actually had a library card at age 4 and my daughter was reading at a 4th grade level in 1st grade.  If you were an early reader that could be part of her interest.  Be encouraging and proud of your lil smartie!

  15. Two and a half. He was reading by three and a half, chapter books by five.

    All kids are different. My husband and I were reading by four as well.

    Just keep encouraging your daughter!

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