
How old was your child when they first started feeding themselves with a fork/spoon without anyone's help?

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How old was your child when they first started feeding themselves with a fork/spoon without anyone's help?




  1. my oldest son probably around 2 or 3. my youngest. 3. was when we let him go independant and feed himself. he does a good job but always wants to fill the spoon up like crazy and sometimes drops his food. he loves food.

    heres a video of my son he was about 2 almost 3. feeding himself mac and cheese. i was so proud of him. i had to take a video. thats my other son in the back/

  2. well im a child and i started around 4 or 5

  3. My twins have just started - 19 months. I let them have a try from time to time from 1 year, but I couldn't cope with the mess that two 1 year olds made with bowls and spoons!

    And don't forget, everyone's different - you'll know when it's right for your child (I knew when mine got angry if I was holding the spoon instead of them!)

  4. I have heard that it takes kids a while to eat with a fork and spoon. My daughter is 1 1/2 and she could care less to even try using them. I think it's around 2-3 when you can start teaching them but they have to be ready themselves and show interest it in.  

  5. my kids learned before they were a year old...they ate their cake and ice cream at their first birthday parties with spoons...i don't give out forks till they're around 3/

  6. Well, my son is 2.  He can use a spoon and fork, but, still needs help sometimes.  He would much rather use his hands, I have to keep a close eye on him to be sure he is using his utensils.  He still makes a bit of a mess, but, much better than when he started at 1 yr.  

  7. about a year old, but they make a huge mess.  Around 18-24 mths they can really control better and make less mess

  8. around 18 months, when we finally quit breastfeeding, is when my daugther started to eat alone in earnest. i gave her food on a plate, and a spoon, and sometimes she would use the spoon, sometimes her hands. the thing is, dont get in the habit of feeding them yourself to avoid the mess, i have a 7 year old niece who wont eat unless her mom feeds her. god forbid that happen to anyone else!

    just give her the food and the spoon, and feed her while the family is eating, and she will see how everyone else eats. my daughter is two and a half now, and she insists on having a fork, so she can be a ´big girl.´

  9. I am on my friends Yahoo answers account, but i also have a son. He was about 11 months old. He is a smart kid. We are still working on the spoon thing. He is 16 months old now.  

  10. my daughter started using a spoon when she was about 12-13 months old but she wouldn't use it all the time. she'd feed herself a few spoon fulls then get frustrated and start digging with her hands. she's now 23months old and it's been a couple of months that she uses it with almost no mess.


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