
How old was your child when you finally turned around their carseat to face forward?

by  |  earlier

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how old were they and how much did they weigh when you finally decided to face them forward?




  1. The Dr.'s say that they need to be at 20 pounds and it doesn't matter how old they are. So, I turned my daughter around right at her 1st Birthday b/c she was 20 pounds.  

  2. well, since some people here are misinformed, they have to be 1 year AND 20 pounds, not one or the other.

    Anyways, my daughter is almost 19 months, 25 pounds and 33 inches long.  She is still rear-facing.  We *may* be turning her forward facing soon, we haven't decided.  She stills *fits* rear facing.

  3. im in australia and on our it says one year old and 9 kilos. SO we turned her around when she was 1 as at her 12 month check up she weighed 9.3 kilos.

  4. children must be at least 20 pounds and at least one year old before they are safe in forward facing carseats. my sons legs were a little cramped for  a few weeks before i was able to turn him forward facing.

  5. I currently have two rear-facing; one 5 months and 14 pounds the other 17 months and 22 pounds. I plan on keeping them rear-facing until the limits of the seat, barring a good reason to turn them.

    The other four were turned sometime after they were 12 months and had hit 20 pounds.

  6. well i started my daughter off  one of those carry seats,then when she got too big for it at 1 i bought a forward facing seat. i thought this is what everybody did.

  7. After the 1 year/22lbs was met I waited until I couldn't take the screaming from the back seat any more! 27lbs and and 1.5 years we switched FF but since I have the Britax Marathon we still RF any time we will be at highway speeds, at least for another 3lbs until we hit the limit and my little one is almost 2.

  8. 2 to 3 years old. wait until the baby is bigger. i waited because at 1 they can still fit there old carseats. but 3 is a good age to start buying the big carseats.

  9. I waited until my kids were a year old. It is recommended they be at least a year old and weight approximately 20 lbs.

    If you are not sure then go to your local health dept. or police dept. because they have certified car seat installers that will help out.

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