
How old was your child when you first left them for a weekend?

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My husband and i originally didnt get a honeymoon and our best man has offered to pay for us to go away for a weekend when our daughter is a year old in 2 months time. The problem is, she is very clingy to me and though we would try hard to get her used to her grandparents before leaving her with them, I can't see her settling with them (she wont even let either of them hold her at the moment), which will especially be difficult at night when she's used to co-sleeping and breastfeeding. I'd love time alone with my husband of course, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself knowing my daughter is probably very upset and unlikely to eat as she's used to only me feeding. I've said we should still go away but take her too, but he says we should go alone and 'she'll survive'. What do you think?




  1. im just a kid but i ,id say


  2. I would definetly take her, if you don't all you would think off is her, you will be miserable and not enjoy anytime with your husband.

  3. We still havent left them ever, the eldest is nearly 16!

    We always take them away with us, the most we have managed is a night out together, alone!

  4. She was 4 months old, and my husband and I went to T in the Park for the was really hard leaving her and I fretted a lot but she didn't bother one bit !!!!  She had a great time at her Nanas xx

  5. I think your child will have a problem adjusting to you being gone, especially since you co-sleep. If you are not comfortable leaving her, then don't. You won't enjoy yourself, and will spend most of your time worrying about her. Maybe try to ease her out of your bed slowly now, and into her own. Rest assured, your daughter would not starve, even though you are the only one who feeds her. Children will not let themselves go hungry for long :) Good luck!

  6. 3 months I felt bad... but she was in good hands.  Go enjoy...she will be fine!

  7. My son was 3 months when we went to CA for the weekend. He was bottle fed and used to going to his grandma's house for babysitting. I think in your case you may want to reconsider for a later date. She will flip out if she's not used to the babysitter (or won't let the sitter hold her). I will be torture for her and frustrating for you as you will have to turn around and come home after stuff was reserved and paid for. I say go on a holiday once she accustomed to going to the sitter.

  8. I have had two very different children. The first was left with his grandparents at 5 months old, while we went on a mini cruise, and has stayed with them every now and again for a night ever since, without any problems at all. Our second child is 14 months and VERY clingy. He doesn't want anyone but us to hold him and even gets upset if someone talks to him. I had to go to my grandmother's funeral last week and had no option but to leave him with my SIL overnight. I was very worried about it, thinking he would cry all night and not settle, but he had the time of his life. He played and laughed and apparently went to bed without one peep. It is very different when you are still breastfeeding - that is a huge bond between you and your daughter, but maybe you could start preparing her by giving her a bottle in the evenings, so she associates a bottle with bedtime - at least it will be part of a comforting routine when her grandparents have her. I think you should definitely go - you need a break and as my little boy proved, they do far better than you might expect!

  9. it is completely upto you but don't do anything your not happy with or you wont enjoy yourself it would do you good to have the break and recharge yourself but try her overnight with her grandparents a few times first and see how that goes and if you are all still happy to go forward with the weekend if not you will still of had a night with the two of you and safe in the knowledge that you can be there sooner of she needs you us that night to go for a meal or go to the pictures or something and the grandparents get to spend some special time with your much loved child

  10. If you trust the grandparents, then i'd go on holiday.

    They need to eventually learn to be able to do things without having mummy and daddy there to hold them.

    But saying that I have a 3 year old and i haven't left said child overnight, only for mornings or afternoons.

    Me personally, i'd take baby with me at that age.

    Its entirely upto you though, if you think you'd be able to settle and not fret and worry when on holiday, then go for it.

    Why not see how baba is for a long afternoon or day with grandad and grandma.

    Have fun whatever you decide

  11. We left our 14 mo. old with his grandparents for a week when we were given a trip to Hawaii.  I wouldn't have left him, but I thought it was a chance of a lifetime.  He did well, much better than I thought he would.  I had weaned him when he turned a year, though.  If you don't feel right about weaning her, don't be pressured to do it earlier than you feel comfortable with.  If you are planning to wean her before the trip, make sure she used to her new routine before leaving her.  I'm sure she'll be fine and it would be good to get away with your husband alone.  Good Luck!

  12. i left my son with my mum and dad when he was 17 months old,i could not enjoy myself i missed him so much.i would ring them up 3 times a day to check he was ok when i got back he hadn't even missed me.

  13. Never have - he's 14 years old.  You shouldn't leave your child until she is used to settling without feeding from you.  You have many years left to go on holiday - she will only be a baby for a short time.  You won't enjoy the holiday if you are worrying about her anyway.

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