
How old was your child when you first went on holliday without them? ...?

by Guest61553  |  earlier

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my son is 1 1/ year id like to go on holliday for a week to spain or somewere like that. but ive taken him on holliday with me before and to be fair it wernt really a holliday with him there. (i know that sounds horrible) but im in the house all the time wile the dad works, i never get out anywere, and id really like something to look forward to. so would you leave your child with his grandparents for a week wile you had a bit of a break? (hel be 2 1/2 then)...thanks foryour answers x

p.s his nanny mum is only 36 . so i wouldnt be leaving him with 90year olds for the weeek lol x




  1. At 2 1/2 he is fine to be without you, but a week may be a little too long for him to be away from you. It all depends on how long you're away from each other now. Are you home w him every day or does he stay w your mom every day?

    I'm a mother of 4 children, ages 7, 5, 3 & 2. I've never been away from them for more than two days, and even that was because I was in the hospital having the next baby.

    It really all depends on what you're comfortable with. My husband has been asking me to go away w him. We're going away for 4 days this October for our 10th anniversary. Our first time away by ourselves since we had children.  We have had vacations w our children.

    You may want to consider a vacation that will include your son. Make it a family vacation to remember. There will be plenty of time for the two of you later.

  2. my mum & dad have just taken my son away for 2 1/2 weeks yesterday. it's the longest i'll have ever been away from him i'm missing him already.

    I couldn't go as i couldn't get the time off work

  3. Our kids are almost 22 months, we left them with my parents twice for the weekend when they were about 15 - 18 months old.  We were checking out a city for possible relocation and it was easier to see the town and go to meetings without the kids.  We also didn't think taking them on a 5 hour flight at that age was a good idea.  They did just fine with my parents, there's nothing wrong with wanting a little break especially if you have a willing and able grandma to care for him when you're gone.  It will be like a holiday for him too, what kid doesn't like to spend time with grandparents?

  4. We just came back from Bali a few weeks ago. My inlaws looked after the kids for the week. The kids are 5yrs and 13 months. They had an awesome time.

    I must warn you though You'll get to day three and start calling day and night. then by day 5 or 6 it's 3 times a day. Our phone bill will be huge when we get it.

    Everything you see you'll start thinking oh little pete will love doing that. Then later you'll go completely tropo and when you see something you think the kids would like to see you'll turn around and look for them.

  5. 2 1/ was for 3 days and it was much needed after staying at home and nursing 24/7 365. I came back w/a fresh perspective and we had much more fun!

  6. Never.... My son is 2 almost 3 and I have not been away from him not 1 night. I could not enjoy my "holliday" withot him. He's my life! To each their own I guess? I didn't have kids until I was ready-Maybe you were not ready?

  7. We went to Amsterdam for 3 days when our 1st was about 18 months. She had loads of fun with Granny! Next summer she will be minding both kids when they are 5 and 18 months for 9 days while we go on Honeymoon!!!

    9 child free days!!! I won't know what to do with  myself, or my husband lol!!!

  8. When I was 16 months old my parents went to Hawaii for 2 weeks for their anniversary, which meant I got to stay at Papa and Gran's house for the time, so I was thrilled. I missed them a bit, but I was fine.

    The first time that I went on holiday on my own was when I was 14, I went to Boston for 3 days on my own. Then in April, for my 17th birthday present, I got to spend 9 days in Greece.

  9. Me and my wife went to Vegas one year without our son. He was two at the time. Just be prepared to miss him and call him every day. We really enjoyed the trip. Our son really enjoyed the vacation from us as well. He built a really strong bond with his grandparents.  It worked out good for everyone.

  10. There's nothing wrong with it and if you can afford to do it, it will be fine.  I have gone away without my kids on several occasions after they were 1  but mostly just for weekends and leaving my husband in charge.  

    Truth be told, a 2 1/2 year old would probably love a week with grandparents.   That would probably be a holiday for him too.

  11. My oldest is almost 7, and I have yet to leave my children with anyone for more than a couple hours.  With the exception of my parents taking my oldest two on an overnight trip for their pleasure not mine; they were 6 and 4 at the time.  In my opinion, a holiday or a vacation is a family thing, not a chance to escape your child(ren).  I would not leave a 2 1/2 year old with someone else for a week; in my opinion, that's too young.

  12. Don't feel guilty about leaving him for a week.  If your mother is up to watching him and you trust her, I think it's fine.  You're with him every day, and I know it can get exhausting.  Think of it this way - being relaxed will make you a better mother.  So getting away for a bit and having some time to unwind will actually be good for your son.  I personally would miss my son like crazy if he were gone for that long, but everyone is different.  If you think you'll be fine, I'm sure your son will be able to endure a week of being spoiled rotten by Nanny.  Good luck and have fun!

  13. My husband and I left our 6 month old with my parents only for two days and one night while we had a short getaway for our anniversary. It just depends on you and your child. I don't think I could leave my 2 1/2 year old for a week, but I have a friend who went on a cruise with her husband and left her 6 month old for 9 days. It doesn't sound aweful that you don't want to take your child on holliday with you, all of us moms know what you're talking about. If you are okay with it, your parents are okay and comfortable and you think you're child will be okay with it, then go for it!

  14. I've never gone away without the kids. There will be time for that when they are grown and moved on. Right now is time for family to be together and us to vacation together. I would feel like I was being selfish if I went without them. To each their own but that is just how I would feel. I wouldn't even have fun without them.

  15. Can't remember now, but I think they were about 4 when they stayed with my mum while me and hubby had a break, but she was a bit older and probably not up to looking after tots any more. I've looked after my grand-kids from about the age 2 while my daughter and her partner go away.

    Don't worry, go away and enjoy yourself. I'm sure your mum will love having him and he'll enjoy being spoilt rotten!

    Everyone needs a break - don't beat yourself up about it!

  16. like, i waz 15 months

    im 12 now

  17. We're very fortunate to have my son's doting grandparents around, who are only TOO keen to babysit him and look after him. We are going away to Florence for a weekend to attend a friend's wedding. Our son will be 5 months old by then. I don't see that as a bad thing, as I would love to encouraged more interaction with him and his grandparents as early as possible. My parents used to leave my brother and I at my grandparents when they went travelling and by the time I was at an age when I remembered them leaving, I didn't feel 'abandonned' at all. In fact, I felt it was a treat, as I got to spend time with my grandma and grandpa who spoilt me rotten! ;-) However, we are a very close family... so I guess that also plays a part.

    Don't beat yourself up about it. Parenting is a VERY personal thing. Some parents can't go on holiday without their kids and look down upon those who do it, and others don't see it as a bad thing. The maing thing is that your kids are cool with it and are happy - that's what you should focus on....

  18. Well my daughter is 2 years old and I have never left her to go on holiday.

    My mum has had her for the odd weekend to give us a break but we usually spend it going out for a meal, catching up on decorating etc.

    If we did let my mum have her for a week while we went away then I would probably go somewhere in the UK. That way at least I could get back quickly if something went wrong. I would never forgive myself If while I was sunning myself on a beach abroad and something happened to my daughter

  19. never a holiday with out my kids woukd just be a nightmare. when my youngest was one i had to go into hospital for a two weeks for some treatment and after  a week the doctor sent me home cos it was making me worse being away from them

  20. It is a matter of personal choice - each to their own. This is one of those issues where everyone will have different opinions. My wife and I have been very lucky that my in-laws have had the children one week per year (October 1/2 term). As they got older, they would go away together. This gave my wife and I time for ourselves, which was very precious and allowed us to recharge our batteries, so that we were able to give more to our children upon our return. Personally, I think you have to be little selfish and look after yourself to be able to give more to your children. Ours are now in their teens. The grandparents have enjoyed that one week per year where the children were exclusively theirs to spoil without upsetting us. On the face of it, the children do not appear to have suffered any harm from it.

    I hope that helps. Good luck

  21. I would go.  He's already used to having your mother take care of him; he will be fine.   Prepare him ahead of time.  If he's going to stay at your mother's house, let him spend a night there before you go so he knows what it will be like.  Let him take his favorite toys or comfort items along.  Reassure him that you WILL come back and that you'll you'll be able to talk to him on the telephone (if you can).  Make it fun by planning some special activities that he can do with your parents, and involve him in the planning.  Then go on your vacation, don't worry about him, and enjoy!

  22. My kids are 3 and 6 years old and my partner and I have still not had a holiday alone. I mean we go on holiday but not just the two of us.  If one of us really has to go away for work the other has to stay home. Makes you appreciate your parents a lot more.

  23. I'm still waiting for that day to come they are 10/12 and they need to come with us all the time,we could leave them with family but why make them misrable (family that is) and it's always afamily holiday we go on and i'd miss my kids

  24. never. its not a holiday unless its with family.

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