
How old was your child when you stopped going in the doctors office?

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when they had a physical? My daughter is 12 aand has her doc phsical this month..just wondering when you stopped going in with your child




  1. My oldest is going on 14 and I still go in with him.  I can always turn my head if I need to.  Honestly, if he wanted me to stay out, I would certainly honor his wishes at this point and ask to speak with the doctor after the check-up if I had any questions that I needed answered.

  2. my mum used to come in until i was at least 15 or 16. i was very shy so needed a little push to answer the questions sometimes. when you're 12 you don't realise what's being asked might be important so she might not be honest with the doctor . why don't you ask her what she thinks? if she does want to go in alone just let her know that honesty is important even if it's embarrassing.

  3. At about 12 years old my daughter went in by herself.

  4. Well my kids are not older yet, but while I was a child I was told that my father must come to the room until I was 18. If I had to undress, he would leave. However, after I was 16 they started to say it was okay for him to wait in the waiting room until the doctor called him back. But legally, he had to be in the vicinity.

    If your daughter is 12 and has not yet had the hpv vaccine, your doctor will want to talk to you about that and she may get that tomorrow.  

  5. At her last checkup I asked my 12 year-old daughter if she wanted to see the doctor alone. She chose to have me stay with her. You should probably ask your daughter what she would prefer.  

  6. Mine are still very young but my parents stopped going w/ me when I was old enough to drive myself to the doctor.

    ETA:  My doctor felt of my b*****s (and made me feel uncomfortable) when I was in high school and went in, alone, for a physical.  It was a required physical for athletics.  Come to find out, there was only one other girl in my class who's doctor did the same and, sure enough, she had the same doctor.  Right or wrong (it may have just been his practice), I think I'll be going w/ my children b/c of that experience.

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