
How old was your child(ren) when they stopped taking naps?

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How old was your child(ren) when they stopped taking naps?




  1. I have three sons, and none were identical in when they stopped. Generally, you can tell by asking day care and kindergarten programs for which ages they stop having nap breaks. However, in general, it would be between 4 and 5.

  2. My 11 year old had just turned a year old.  My 8 year old was almost 4  my 5 year old was three.

  3. My son was 4 1/2 when he stopped taking naps. He had stopped falling asleep during naptime at preschool around 3 1/2, but at home in his bed, he would still fall asleep at naptime if given the opportunity. We eliminated the naps at 4 1/2 because he started having a really tough time going to sleep at night... asking for a drink of water, wanting to go to the bathroom 4 times, basically looking for attention because he couldn't fall asleep.

  4. My son was 3 when he stopped but my nephew didn't stop napping until after he was 5 and started kindergarten.

  5. My daughter was around 4 years but all children are different. In the daycare where I work, up until 1st grade all children nap. The 4 year olds and the kindergarteners have quiet time but most eventually fall asleep.

  6. My daughter was about 4.  I remember I got pregnant when she was 4 and I would want to take naps on Sunday afternoons, and I tried to get her to nap with me and she never would, she would just lay there.  However, when she started Kindergarten at 5, she would be so tired from the day that some days she would announce that she was going to her room to take a nap.

  7. My oldest was on and off naps from age 3 to age 4, and then after he turned 4, he stopped taking daily naps.  Occasionally, when he's extra tired, I still make him take one, but even when I don't, naptime (I have three other children younger than him) is quiet time and he needs to do quiet activities (read books, draw/color, rest, watch a movie, etc.).  He's 5 now and when he starts kindergarten in the fall, I won't require this because he'll be gone!

    My next one is 3-1/2 and he still naps daily, except on the rare occasion when I just can't get him to nap.  If he does nap, though, I make sure I wake him up before 3 or he won't go to bed until really late.

  8. Right around 4yrs old.

  9. Right after his 4th birthday (he is 5 now).  Although every once in a great while he will still take a nap.  He has quiet time in his room every day though.

  10. My son was roughly 2 1/2 when he stopped napping, but mind you, he began nursery school at that time as well.  I think sleeping patterns are highly individual.  My son hardly slept when he was a baby, and perhaps that has something to do with why he stopped napping at a young age.

  11. lets see...well never a big fan of sleeping :p

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