
How old was your son when he first pooped and pee'd in a potty?

by  |  earlier

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my son decided last week to p**p in the potty for the first time before ever even peeing in it. he hasn't pooped in a diaper since and pee's in it most of the time as well but we still have him in diapers for naps and bed time and when we are out. He'll be 2 the 8th of august. we haven't really been trying to train him at all...we just got him the potty a couple months ago to get used to having it there for him when he was ready.




  1. Both my boys were 3 years old when they got over their fear of the potty and used it for the first time to pee...pooping took a little longer.

  2. My oldest son was 2 when he first peed in the potty and he still has not pooped and he is now 4!

    My youngest son just turned 2 this month so we will start potty training him soon.

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