
How old were u 4 ur 1st marathon? half marathon?

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how old were you for you first marathon? or half marathon? did you do well? was it hard? what place did you get? what time did you get? what are the age divisions?




  1. You should be atleast 18 before you think of doing a marathon.  The toll it takes on you joints is just brutal and you have to make sure you are ready.

  2. I ran my first marathon a week before my 18th birthday.  It was the Vermont City Marathon, it was the hardest thing that I have ever done.  I'm not sure of my exact place (about 60% of runners beat me) but my time was 4 hrs 22 minutes 12 seconds.  I was happy with that b/c I never walked which was my goal.  I think my age group was 21 and under.

  3. I'm running my first half-marathon August 7 (a part-trail and part-road race), and I am now 17 :) Longest race I've run before was the Mountain Goat- 10 miles, LOTS of hills. (ran that for the first time this May- it was a road race).

  4. After 10 years of running many, many 5K's and 1 10K each year I decided to go for a "road" half marathon.  I'd done one trail half marathon (1st overall, 1:29) about two years earlier, but that is totally different from road races.  I did do well .......but I think I can honestly say I'll never do a road half again at my race pace (suffered injury around 10 Mi. mark).  I finished 11th overall out of over 2500 in time of 1:18:32.  Age divisions are usually every five years (30-34 for me, 3rd pl.)  I advise to race only short races except maybe once or twice to say you've done it.  *Nice question*

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