
How old were u or are you going to be when...?

by  |  earlier

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you get or got married? me n my partner r gonna be 22 and 23 or if we do it the yr after 23 and 24, weve been together since we were 15 tho!






  1. I am 22 and he is 23, we just got married on the eighth  

  2. Right now we are 25 (me) and 29. We have already said the earliest we'd get engaged was 2 years from now, so I would say I'll probably be 27 or 28 when we get married and he'll be 31/32.  

  3. Hi, Sarah Louise!

    I was 20 when I got married, and my husband was 27.  We'll be celebrating our 18-year anniversary on September 1!

    I'm not a fan of long engagements.  When you know, you know.  Why wait?

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

  4. I was 21, I'm 22 now, and my husband was 31 when we got married.  I think as long as you know the other person is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, then its ok to get married in your early 20s.  

  5. On our wedding day (6.19.10) I will be 27, almost 28. My fiance will have just turned 27.

  6. i dont know, whenever God says.

  7. I think waiting would be the best idea. My boyfriend and I decided we wanted to get married when we were 20-ish, but are waiting until we are 24 to get married. Although his family understands and are excited for us, my parents think we are crazy and want us to wait until we are 30 like they were. Oh well.

  8. I'm going to be 23, my fiance will be 28 by the time we get down the isle.  Right now I'm 22 and he's 27.  We've been together just over 4 years, just over 5 by the time we get hitched.  been living together since about 6 months into the relationship too.  

    Good luck and CONGRATS! YAY!!!

  9. I was 25 he was 31 were together 7 years at that point

  10. wedding is 12-20-08     im 18 and hes 19...he will be 20 in late january    

  11. I was 19 he was 20, but willing to admit we were certainly the exception and not the rule.

    If you can support yourselves and are emotionally mature - why not

  12. i was 22 and my husband was 31

  13. We were both 20.

    Been together since we were 16 though.

  14. 31 i will be my other half will be 30...

    wow everyone gets married so young!  I almost feel like i did something wrong! But i think the timing should be pick by the person!  so i feel Very happy with myself!

  15. 19 (me) and 20 (him). We've known each other since we were 14 and been dating since we were 16 and lived together for 1 year.  

  16. 25 & 26

  17. I was 22, he was 23.  We've been married for 8 years, and today is the 12th anniversary of our first kiss!

  18. we were 18  

  19. My husband and I were (and still) are 23 when we got married in May.

  20. I'm also 22, and my fiancee is 31 =) we've been together for 4 years!

    Aww... you are high school sweethearts! very cute!

  21. I had just turned 19 when I got married + I was 20 when the divorce came through!!!

  22. My fiance will be 25 when we get married.  Our wedding date is one week before my 24th birthday.

  23. good age. i got married when i was 19. going on 4 yrs. married. total time together 8 yrs. and still very in love.

  24. My partner will be 22 and I will be 24.  

  25. my honey would have just turned 22 and i will have just turned 26. i think 22 is a good age to get married... i waited fro Mr. Right for a while, and it is well worth the wait!  

  26. I had just turned 21 the month before we married. We've been happily married going on 3 years this September. And we are expecting our first ( a girl :) ... this December!!!

    I wish you the best... in the wedding/ marriage coming up :)

  27. This is going to get a great response. I'm sure everyone will tell me that my marriage will fail too. Haha.

    I was 17 (one month before my 18th birthday). My husband was also 18 at the time.

    We were together since 14 and didn't want to be with anyone else!

    There was no point to wait any longer. We both saved ourselves for marriage and knew we were mature enough to start our life together.

    We got married 2 months after we graduated from high school and the truth is, I wish we wouldn't have waited so long. I am so glad we didn't listen to everyone who told us we were too young.

    It isn't about age. It is about maturity. Years ago, it was normal for a 15 year old to get married and start a family. Just because our society tells us to "live life" and party and do whatever we want, doesn't mean that women are incapable of getting married young.

    We are happy and our marriage is healthy. No we aren't perfect and it's hard sometimes. But it is worth it.

    If you both feel ready, don't let anyone tell you different.

    Good luck and God Bless

  28. I'll be 21, and he will have just turned 24 by the time the wedding comes.

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