
How old were u when you moved out of your parent's house and started making it on your own, i.e apt, job, etc?

by  |  earlier

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and who are you voting for?




  1. I moved out at 17 as a freshman in college.  I'm voting for Obama/Biden  

  2. 19

    conservative republican

  3. 17...who cares.

  4. 18 McCain / Palin

  5. I was 19.

    I am voting for McCain

  6. 17 and I'm voting for McCain.

  7. dont expect too many answers here. most of you demos in here are 13 and under.

    if you are over 13, you should be highly ashamed of the way you attacked bristol in here with all the name calling.

    but then again, you didnt have any morals growing up from your parents so thats why you attack everyone elses.

  8. 18- McCain. Relevence?

  9. I was 17 and was in school and working full time.

    I cannot vote (US citizen living elsewhere) but I would be voting for Obama if I could - would have voted for McCain but his VP screams balancing minority with minority and if something happens - God forbid - that removes him from office him the airhead who couldn't take the VP nom until she knows exactly what a VP does (or so she said a few months ago) is President. Not a chance I'd want to take as a citizen.

  10. 17---McCain

  11. Got my first job delivering papers at 13, then washing dishes/waiting tables at 16.  Moved out to college at 18 (put self through).  Moved back home at 21 for a couple years until graduating.  Lived away ever since.

    McCain of course.  This may have been the first election I voted Democrat if the Dems would have been smart and put Guliani on the ticket.

  12. 34.   Obama.

  13. After college.  Why?

    Obama/Biden 08

  14. 18 Obama

  15. 20. McCain

  16. 18 .

    Moderate Democrat voting for McCain Palin.

  17. I was 14 and I will be voting for Senator McCain.

  18. 18, obama

  19. i was 18 and i moved to Indiana and started college

    but i never felt good about going home again as I did not like people telling me when to come and go..even after the military for a brief time I stayed home but I could not stand it as my parents cramped my style.

    I always worked and made my own money but I sometime had more then one job to make ends meet.

    work won't kill you but poverty would drive me crazy.  I would rather

    keep busy  and work..but now when you get old you have to slow down.

    I am always been Democrat but this is the first time I disagree with how the Democrats handled this election my wife and I  are

    voting for John McCain and is our decesion to embrace the GOP rather then put up with the Democrat party ..

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