
How old were /what grade were you in when you started homeschool?

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How old were /what grade were you in when you started homeschool?




  1. I was around 13 years old when I first enrolled it was in 7th grade

  2. I was homeschooled from the beginning, until age 8 when I started 4th grade at our local church school. Then when I was 10 years old, we started homeschooling again, and have done it ever since! It's been such a good experience for me and I wouldn't have it any other way. :-)

  3. I was about 2 yrs old. I started by pestering my older siblings' governess to play 'school' with me.

  4. My son was 6.5, starting 2nd grade.

  5. I 5th grade...I'm now in 8th grade. I'm hoping to go back into PS.


  6. i was 4, started in kindergarten.

    now i'm15, in 11th,and graduating next year.

  7. Mom started my formal education at age 4,I am at this time 13,never been to public school in my life.

  8. it's a continuum. we started doing very informal, unstructured work in letter recognition and phonics when he was about two, and now he's four and reading at a fourth grade level, and we're unschooling, with plans to introduce more structure when he's around 6, depending on how it goes. he's already learning tons from the little we're doing now.

  9. I was 12 going on 13, beginning the 7th grade.

    I really think that that was the right age for me; I had acquired the basics throughout elementary school that would support my later learning, and I was also mature enough to get the work done on my own. Although I didn't do the "typical" homeschool where your mom teaches you, but it was more of an independant study course where I was responsible for my own work, and I met with a teacher once a week and went over everything.

    I completed high school in a year and a half (graduated at 16), and from there I took online paralegal courses to get my certificate.

    All in all, home studies was an amazing opportunity, and I would highly recommend it. My personal opinion, though, is to let the child be in public school at least until 5th or 6th grade so they're a little more mature and they've had necessary social interaction, along with a knowlegde of basic skills, such as in math.

  10. I was 7, I have never been to a public school, no one but my mom and myself has ever been my teacher, and I am more mature then about any other 15 almost 16 year old sophmore I have known, and all though my schooling I have been. I may not be years ahead of kids my age brag about being, that's because I spent a lot of time swimming, reading, and being a teen, but as far as school grade level, my books are some of the hardest and most advanced, so I am probably still more advanced then kids in my grade.

  11. I'm 16 years old now.... i finished only 8 grades and took homeskool....and im about to get my diploma!

  12. My kids have always been homeschooled. Of the kids we know who didn't start out homeschooling, some were gr. 1, gr. 2, gr. 3, gr. 4, gr, 6 and gr. 7 when they started to homeschool. I did 'meet' a lady online who lives where I do who is starting to homeschool her gr. 9 son.

  13. Home schooling is a natural progression of raising, and teaching the children from birth, all you do in the later years is add academics when they are ready.

    This can be at a different age for each child.

    Our oldest went to DOD/public, and private Christian schools, and started home school at the high school level.

    The others started regular academics, at age 8, 5, and 4.

    None of the three are behind, or much ahead of each other due to their starting age, it all evens out in the end as long as you do not make them start before they are truly ready.

  14. I never homeschooled full time, but I started parttime at 6-7 learning music, notation, computer methods and touch typing.  This was in the late 1950s

    My mother was a professional musician and worked in the computer department as a supervisor for a publishing house.

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