
How old were you kids when they stopped letting you kiss them?

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How old were you kids when they stopped letting you kiss them?




  1. im a 15 year old girl and i still let my mum kiss me, but not my dad, thats just kinda akward =] i probably wont stop my mum from kissing me though=]

  2. I'm 18 and i still let my mum and dad kiss me on the cheek :)

    And i kiss them on the cheek,

    I don't see how its weird at all.

  3. My kids haven't yet. we have a friendly relations with them and it's nothing we dwell on. The girl is 10, the boy is 9.

  4. my alien kids are about 2 years old and they wont let their daddy kiss them anymore  

  5. My kids havent yet set that boundary.

    My eldest daughter Lola, still loves long cuddles, and neing told how much we love her, and she still lets me kiss her. She always makes a joke of it around my husband, saying "No way dad, im too old for kisses", and he'll say something like "But Lola, you're still MY baby girl" and she'll go over and let him kiss her forehaed or her hair or cheek.

    Finn, only lets me kiss him, and is quite clingy, he's a real mommy's boy. He's always telling em he loves me, but recently he's become less clingy and has started hanging out with his dad, which is good for his confidence.

    Skye my youngest daughter is 3, she adores being tickled and cuddled and kissed, especially by her Daddy. With me she just likes to talk or do things with me, or she'll just sit there with a starnge expression on her face, staring at me, as though she's trying to figure me out. She's my daughter, i never went in for hugging or kissing my Mom, but loved it if it was my dad playing with me.

    Skye always tells me she loves me and with her high EI level she is always saying "Mommy, i dont love Daddy more, you know" and i'll kiss her on her little cheek, and she'll say "Mom, i'm a big girl now"

    I think it's the individual who chooses to stop acdepting kisses of their parents. For me it's just a way of comforting them, and letting them know that i love them.


  6. hopefully not till the day i die........

  7. They never stopped me.......if they would have tried I would have held them down! lol

    My son is by far my most loving child. He never fails to give me a huge hug and kiss whenever I see him and before he leaves. He will also randomly hug me from behind when I am in the kitchen cooking..........I do not see him as often as I would like anymore (just moved) and I really miss him. I miss them all. It's hard.

  8. al my children still give me a kiss good night or when i drop them of at school my kids are 12 9 7 6 4 and 1  

  9. I still let my mom kiss me, although I really don't like all the affection; hugs would be better, in my opinion, anyway. But I stopped kissing in her public when I was 13, as did my brother. It wasn't really that embarrassing to do it, I just decided that I wouldn't. Occasionally I will give her a kiss when we're home. I find it kind of awkward because I know what goes on between her and my stepdad, and my boyfriend and myself. Ick.

  10. I never stop kissing my kids, We are Spanish and most Spanish people never stop kissing their children's , that goes for both parents. My mom lives in panama` and each time we go back  home she still  kiss   all of her kids that is the way most Spanish people great each other and to us this is showing a lot's of love to us you are never  to old for both off your parents to kiss you. I kiss      my   kids each time i see them and the same thing i do to my grand kids and to some of my closest friends that is the way it is in the Spanish Culture we are that kind of loving people and that is the way we show our love, gratitude and appreciation to our family and friends. peace.

  11. Why would they Stop allowing me to kiss them?  They are now 17,14 and almost 13...I get Kisses and Hugs many times a day! About half of those are initiated by them. So I don't forsee it EVER stopping.

  12. i have 3 girls and the oldest is 11 she just started turning her head away when I give her a kiss ut at night she still gives me a kiss good night

  13. My son was around 7 or 8. I had to beg him to get a quick kiss and he moved before I got a kiss. ha ha

    My daughter is 13 and she still doesn't mind kisses and hugs.

    My son lets me hug him but he rolls his eyes the whole time.

    : )

  14. My kids haven't reached that age yet.  My oldest is 13 and a couple of years ago, he did start to act like it was a bit awkward for him, but I think it was just the whole puberty thing.  He doesn't mind at all if I give him a kiss on the forehead or cheek before bed and he's very generous with his hugs.  All of my boys are rather affectionate, but I think that comes from the fact that I've always been that way with them.  

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