
How old were you the last time you....?

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how old were you the last time you wet yourself or wet the bed....




  1. 1 years old or something.  

  2. i remember i wet the bed when i was 5, and it hadn't happened for months and months and months so i lied and said it was my cat,lol.

  3. When i was 8.

    I remember the very last time i wet myself lol ..

    I was coming home from school on the bus & i really had to go but i used to never go to the bathroom in public places like school .. so i decided i would wait till i got home & well after i got off the bus and ran to my house .. but the door was locked and my sister had to open it with a key, & it took her awhile so lets just say when my mom got home it wasnt a pretty site lol .. i peed my pants that was the worst!


    when was the last time you did?

  4. i know this is embarrasing but i think it was 13...i was dreaming that i had to use the restroom after going to the pool...i remember the dream because i was embarresed that i wet the bed..

  5. Probably like 6 or 7

  6. i dont think i ever wet the bed? but if i did, 2? 1?  

  7. 7 i think

  8. i pee when i laugh alot a year ago i was in the basement and my dad wouldnt shut up telling a joke i couldnt make it upstairs so....yea

  9. 4 yrs old

  10. 12, and it's before entering my teenage stage...

    we all go through changes, including bladder changes........

    seriously, it's not a sick joke.

    we grown-ups do pee in bed , but rarely nowadays.


  11. 8 or 9

  12. dude alright

    so i saw this question

    and i finished it with wet the bed

    woah weird

    but like 11

    i had a bladder infection

  13. Probably 8

  14. 8

  15. I was about 9....I remember it because I was never a bed wetter...but that particluar morning I must have had to pee really bad, because I remember dreaming that I was going to the bathroom, and then I woke up in a wet bed.  How embarrassing!

  16. 7-8 years old

  17. I never wet the bed lol

  18. i don't know i was sleeping in my mums bed and i tired everything to dry it i got loads of towels gosh that was a funny night oh i was about 4 years old yea answer my question please;...

    oh yea another funny time i was in yr 2 and we was saying a pray and the teacher didn't let me go to the toilet and i was so desperate and i just pee-ed right there so embarrassing i wet my skirt and my tights mad a wet patch on the floor never been so embarrassed in my life

  19. when i was one month old and only that time i was in my crib but before i went to sleep i had my bottle in my mouth ( water ) i liked water but i had it in my mouth the whole nite when i woke up i peed when my parents told me this i almost peed myself again i was 6 when they told me

  20. Around 7.

  21. 1

  22. 2

  23. I was 35, I had a bad case of pneumonia, and I coughed and coughed, I had coughed so hard I wet myself, havent done it since though

  24. Haha, I peed my pants like a year ago because my best friend wouldn't let me use the bathroom & she kept tickling me & telling me funny jokes.. >_<  

  25. 10

  26. 11, no i was dreaming that i actually got up to use the restroom so i just went on the bed thinking i was in the bathroom...

  27. 44 i was drunk and passed out

  28. 6or7

  29. haha.. like, 6 minutes ago or somethin

  30. I wet my self when i was 5 going on 6 it was because i was on a scary ride and i needed a wee i was scared anyways but i had to go so i did that was the last time i wet my pants.

  31. Abouttt 10

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