
How old were you when......?

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When you had your first child? Do you wish you could have been older, or younger?

I am 15. I am hoping to wait until I am at least 25.




  1. At 15 I new I wanted more than anything to have children and that I wanted my first before I was 25. I had my son on the 23rd Sept 07 and turned 25 on the 1st Nov 07. So perfect timing. I felt that was the best time for me. I had traveled, been clubbing and getting drunk, as all teenagers do. Worked hard and got a good job. Met my husband and spent 7 lovely years together on our own. Sharing these things together. Now we are sharing our boy and it is the best time ever.

    If 25 is what you want then you work towards that. Find a man to love and who loves you.  

  2. 19. I had to drop out of university and watch all my friends graduate togther and go out and have fun. So in some ways i wish i'd waited. Lola wasn't planned, but now i wouldnt change a thing. I went back to uni when my daughter was 2, and got my degree, and so i'm at hwere i would have been anyway.

    At least 25 is a good age, but then each to their own. You have so much left to experience, just let your future unfold until you feel ready to take charge and settle down.

    Good Luck


  3. I havent had any.

  4. I'm 18 I'm having my baby in December. :)

  5. I was 23 when our beautiful boy was born, as was my partner. Hes just turned 1 last month : ). Both of us were ready, so it was the perfect age for us.  

  6. 25 is good, u have 10 more years of life and experience! before u start aa  new page!

  7. i was 19 and i wouldnt change it for the world. but i had my own house,job and a good man

  8. I was 17 when I had my first, and 18 when I had my second.  I'm married and have been with their father for 17 years now...

    I think that for ME, having kids when I did probably saved my life.  No, I wasn't financially prepared, and it was hard for a few years, making ends meet.  But I was mess for a lot of years before getting pregnant, taking dangerous risks (getting in cars with blindfolded drivers for instance) without any care of consequence.  As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I had something to live for, and I stopped doing those things, and hanging around those people.  

  9. 21...when i had my first........there has been times when i thought, that i should have waited a little longer, but in saying that, im glad i had my kids when i did (3 kids)...I think they keep you young.....energetic....etc..and providing that you are financially secure then thats great :)

  10. 18 on my first one and 23 on my second one.. happy with both of them and they are happy well fed and my daughter is turning into a chunky butt.. lol 6 months and over 14 pounds.

  11. I was 22 with my daughter.  I thought it was a perfect age.  

    I was married at 19 and had it been up to me, I would have gotten pregnant then.  However, my husband kept putting it off and refused to consider it. I really think had it been up to my jerk of a husband, 10 years later now, we probably still wouldn't have had any children.  

  12. I was 24 years old when I had my first child. Well, gave birth to my first child. I was 21 years old when I became a stepmom to a 1 ½ yr old little girl. I will always consider her my “first child” even though I never gave birth to her.

    You said you’re “hoping to wait until 25”. Well, you DO have control over whether or not you get pregnant.

    Let me just tell you that while I ADORE my stepdaughter and son, my life is oh so different from what it used to be. And remember, I started at 21 so that meant no more going out to bars, no more spending extra money, no more clothes, no more shoes! It meant my life changes drastically from this point on. I had to buy diapers and clothes and pay child support for my stepdaughter. Because my husband and I are married so the money comes from both of us. When my son was born, life changed even more. Daycare expenses, health insurance expenses, diapers and formula and more formula. I didn’t get anything for free. I didn’t qualify for anything like most other people did. I didn’t get WIC, I didn’t get food stamps. I was doing it on my own, alongside with my husband.

    First and foremost, kids are EXPENSIVE! Second, you’re 15 yrs old now, you shouldn’t even be attempting to plan what age is best for you to have a child. You should be focusing on graduating high school, choosing a college, getting yourself a career. THEN once you’re settled in, then think about babies. But until then, you’re just a young child yourself…..

    If there’s anything you should do, it’s wait to have babies!

  13. I was 20. sounds young but it was the right time for me. I had been married for 2 years, had my own home and me and hubby both had good jobs

  14. got pregnant at 23 and had her at 24 and it was still an adjustment.  Id never change it I love her more than anything but if I was younger I dont know how well Id have dealt with the changes in responsibility.  Its like you have to be at a certain age to be OK with the idea of...its not my life life is to sustain her life.  sometimes its still tricky.

  15. I'm 19, and i have a little plan, yes, i know things never go to plan but yeah.

    I want to be with my partner by 20, I am already though hehe.

    Engaged by 24, Married by 25. First baby by 27. 2nd baby at 29, and 3rd at 31-32.

    So yeah :)

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