
How old were you when you first decided to smoke weed?

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for me it was right on my 15th birthday




  1. I have common sense so i never started.

  2. I believe I was 19 or 20. I can't remember. I'd NEVER do it again. It's not for me..

  3. I was 16 and I had an allergic reation!

    Broke out in hives, try hiding that !

  4. 12,my cousin and i found a joint in her dads jacket pocket.

  5. I dont and will never smoke anything

  6. 14 and i partied hardy for 24 years including alcohol and any other substance i could get my hands on to escape reality. today i'm an alcoholic with over ten years sobriety yeah!!!!!!!

  7. My first time- 13. I continued for about 2 and a half years and then i stopped. Havent picked it back up and its been 4 years.

  8. I had a contact high at 13. I ate pot brownies at fourteen, I really smoked at 18, I stopped at 23

  9. I know people who can get me some, but like with smoking cigarettes I was never daft enough to start in the first place.

    I did try using crushed dried-up banana skins once with some mates at high school, but I never intended to smoke it personally - that's what friends are for!  I don't like bananas anyway!

  10. 17.  My friend asked me if I wanted to, which was a complete surprise because she does not drink, let alone (I thought) do drugs.

    Basically, prior to her asking me I thought she was 110% straight edge. ...Wrong.

  11. about 15, my friend came up to me like, i swear to god, "wanna buy sum weed?"

  12. i was sixteen, with my best mate, in the school grounds!  (after school hours).  the end fell off and went down my sleeve, but i was so wrecked all i could do was sit and watch as the sleeve of my jumper burned away!

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